Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

First Appearance: Wonder Woman 28 (2017)
Creators: Shea Fontana and David Messina
Abilities: Proportionate speed and strength of a five foot tall woman who was into acrobats, LASER EYES

Backstory: Self proclaimed reincarnation of the Egyptian Goddess Bastet, the goddess of protection, defense, sun warrior-ing, and childbirth. Who among other things was known for NOT having laser eyes.

Claiming to be Wonder Womans guide to the underworld who declared Diana would get lost in the Duat, Cat-Eye for all her claims of divinity was also a hired mercenary who for the right price would go after any target to bring about their end.

Exhibiting no god-like strength, speed or warrior prowess, Cat-Eye might be dismissed as inconsequential…Were it not for the fact that she combined those mortal enemies cats and laser pointers to become…A cat with Laser eyes!

Firing a pair of continuous laser beam that was the size of and directed by the direction of her irsis’s, she was capable of carving an inch deep line in cement just from running her Laser eye gaze upon it. Creating an effect which looked like a laser pointer running across a surface, but leaving a smoldering trail in its wake.

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