Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

First Appearance: Wonder Woman 30 (1948)
Creators: Joye Hummel and H.G Peter
Abilities: Giant in size and physical form. Radium elemental whose presence is poisonous to all other life and can concentrate blasts of pure radiation from his body. Leads an entire population of radium giants.

Backstory: Deep underground beneath the lush wonderous land of Paradise Island well known for its peaceful population and lush life exists a terrible force whose very existence is pure poison to all the world.

King Brutall is ruler of the radium giants. A race of giant radium elementals who are toxic to all life and will bring an end to all life with the radiation naturally emitting from their bodies.

Seeking to escape to the realm above through their only means of escape which happens to be paradise island, only one force stands in the way of King Brutall and the Radium Giants from carrying out their efforts to claim the surface world and end all life.

The Limestone Girls which are all winged women who were carved to life instead of molded, were charged with guarding the world from that which would escape that which is sealed away below the surface of Paradise Island. Working to ensure that the giants have no means of escape.

However King Brutall realizing that his jailers themselves are the only ones capable of leaving from the underground prison to the surface world, would seek out and terrorize the Limestone Girls in an attempt to escape. Promising to doom the world should the Limestone Girls ever fail in their efforts…

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