Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Nicholas Carbone
First Appearance: Wonder Woman TV series SE03 EP05
Portrayed by: Micheal Delano
Abilities: Posesses the power of telepathy. Has the ability to erase the memories of those whose minds he reads, retaining any knowledge they lose. Can return memories he has stolen on a whim.

Backstory: Powerful psychic with a penchant for villainy, Nicholas had trained for years at the psychic institute to unlock his unique psychic power. Discovering that it was an ability which allowed him to read minds and steal memories from others, he realized this was an ability which was uniquely useful in committing crimes.

Thus faking his death to avoid detection as his abilities had been a part of government record, Nicholas would change his name to Nick Moreno and enter into a life of crime.

Having no grand ambitions or desires to use his powers for elaborate schemes, Nicholas fancied himself a contract villain and would play mercenary for hire. Going from criminal organization to criminal organization where he would revel in being well cared and catered for in exchange for erasing peoples memories and obtaining needed information…For a price.

Capable of taking days, weeks, even decades of someones memory with but a thought, Nicholas was a force to be reckoned with.


Name: Angelique Mckenna
First Appearance: Wonder Woman TV series SE03 EP05
Portrayed by: Ellen Weston
Abilities: Disco dancing. Commands a disco themed crime cartel. Information broker. Business management.

Backstory: Owner of ‘The Sticks’ the biggest disco club in all of Washington DC, Angelique was famous for her business savvy, with her finger on the pulse of what was cool and hip.

Fostering a reputation for her disco club to serve only exclusive clientelle which would lead to people with influence in politics and the military frequenting her place of business, she would have her more chariasmatic minions reach out to members of the scientific community and lure them in on dates.

In reality, Angelique Mckenna was one of the greatest information brokers in the world. Her staff all trained in making marks feel calm and at ease. None the wiser as they revealed secrets which they shouldn’t have. Secrets which would be then sold to the highest bidder.

Employing Nicholas Carbone and using his abilities to steal scientific secrets from the minds of scientists who wouldnt be aware they even knew of such things, Angelique could in a sense sell secrets that not even those who thought them up would be aware of.

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