Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Henry Roberts
First Appearance: Wonder Woman tv series SE03 EP04
Portrayed by: Roddy Mcdowell
Abilities: Neuro scientist. Can turn people into statues, frozen in time until he restores them.

Backstory: A talented neuro scientist with villainous ambitions, Henry Roberts would come to invent a wearable device which could produce a specialized electric current which would metamorph the human body into a statue.

Not needing to breath, unable to think, never aging, they would remain in this state until Henry produced a remote counter signal to reverse the effects.

Telling his friend the famous art critic Moreux about his invention, the two of them would concoct a plan to a life of crime. Thus they would hire henchmen who would be frozen into statues, with Moreux using his influence to hype up the art, with Henry assuming the identity of a talented sculptor. Then under the cover of night the statues would come to life, emptying museums of their most expensive treasures.

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Name: Lloyd Moreux
First Appearance: Wonder Woman tv series SE03 EP04
Portrayed by: Micheal Mcquire
Abilities: Professional art critic. Criminal mastermind.

Backstory: World renowned art critic and the true mastermind of a scheme in which Henry Roberts ‘turn people into statues’ technology was used for criminal larceny, Moreux was a villain with grand ambitions.

Coming to the conclusion that Wonder Woman was the greatest threat to crime itself and confident in the knowledge that many criminals would pay a fortune to see her out of the picture, Moreux plotted from the start to carry out their crimes with a focus on getting rid of Wonder Woman.

Thus focusing on stealing things based on the zodiac, Moreux was plotting to lure Wonder Woman into a trap so that she herself could become a statue to be sold to the highest bidder! To be sold off to the criminal underworld for a fortune greater than anything himself and Roberts could have made through museum heists.
