Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Cassandra
First Appearance: Wonder Woman tv show SE03 EP07 (1978)
Portrayed by Joan Van Arc:
Abilities: Time travel. Advanced scientific knowledge. Awareness of events as they will occur. Expert historian and librarian.

Backstory: Hailing from the year 2155 on the day of November 10th. A future where after humanity destroyed its atmosphere and wiped out all life outside of their hastily crafted dome cities they realized the errors of capitalism and greed, abandoning such concepts as money to focus on supporting the human condition.

Having been brought in to help develop a time machine for educational purposes, Cassandra saw her chance to live her dreams and thus programmed in a master overide into the time machine coded ‘W9648’ which catapulted her backwards in time to the 1970s, intent on using her historical knowledge to aquire successful companies in the past before they became huge successes, and be the first to discover vast wealth such as ‘Cadmium 90’ an element which would not be discovered for a hundred years.

Confident in the knowledge that in the distant past she would not have to encounter Wonder Woman like she did in her own time.


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