Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Mona Menise
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #30 (1948)
Creators: Joye Hummel and H.G Peter
Abilities: The ability to command men to do her bidding through song. Demolition driver.

Backstory: Millennia past, a group of Sirens would sing their song of temptation, driving ships to crash onto the rocky reefs which were their homes. Punished for this, they would be transformed into trees so they could bring no harm to humanity. Years would pass, and one of those trees would be found and used by a carpenter to make a wooden bracelet. Unaware that this bracelet would grant its wearer the powers of the Sirens for it contained the soul of Parthenope.

Mona Menise, daughter of army general Menise was madly in love with Steve Trevor who she developed a crush for when she was but a small child and he was a new recruit into the military. Driven to a jealous rage at his complete indifference to her efforts to romance him and his undivided love and attraction to Wonder Woman, Mona would seek to kill her rival in love and either make Steve love her…Or PERISH!

Obtaining the siren bracelet which would allow her to command mens minds by singing, Mona was able to raise an army to carry out her will.

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