Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

First Appearance: Wonder Woman 212 (2005)
Creators: Greg Rucka
Abilities: Primordial being with godly strength, stamina, immortality, and the power of metamorphosis.

Backstory: Briareos is one of three mythical creatures of Greek legend known as Hecatonchires, who helped Zues win the War of the Titans in ancient Thessaly for dominion over the universe. They are distinguished by their giant size, superhuman strength, as well as their additional one hundred arms and fifty extra heads. The original Hecatonchires were the offspring of Titans Gaia and Uranus, but their father, Uranus, found them so hideous that he locked them away in the infernal realm of Hades, known as the Tartarus.

In his comic debut, Briareos, brother to Cottus and Gyges, who guarded the throne of Zeus on Olympus, was called upon to serve and protect Zeus once more. When the Goddess Athena challenged Zeus for the throne of Olympus, he demanded a deadly contest of champions to decide. Athena’s champion, a blinded Wonder Woman fought Zeus’ terrifying champion Briareos and ultimately emerged victorious after petrifying him using Medusa’s head.

Wonder Woman 212


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