Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Vina Kling
First Appearance: Sensation Comics #25 (1943)
Creators: William Marston and H.G Peter
Abilities: Able to freely control, alter, and manipulate the dreams of the astral plane. Can materialize the astral self of herself and others into the physical plane with anything they were carrying in their dreams. Able to travel the physical plane at lightning speeds within the astral realm and spy upon it. Has the power to draw any target to sleep at a moments notice. Can bend the wills of others, forcing them to do her bidding.

Backstory: A graduate from Holliday college and born with incredible power. Vina Kling was a student of Professor Karma, foremost expert on the study of the astral plane. Studying and learning to heighten and master her powers as a dream medium, Vina Kling found she was able to do incredible and seemingly impossible things.

Able to manipulate the dreams of others, Vina found by playing on peoples fears, phobias, and creating shock and confusion within a targets mind, she could weaken their resolve and willpower to the point that she could manipulate their minds directly. Forcing them to carry out any heinous act or action she willed, and erasing all memory of doing so from their minds.

She could bring ones astral self into the material world where any injury laid upon it would be shared with their physical self. Where they could commit murders miles away from their sleeping form in front of hundreds of witnesses, unable to prove their own innocence.

Going on to marry a lawyer who worked for the rich and famous, Vina Kling would use her powers to manipulate things so that she was always in a position to amass vast fortunes from the fallout of her schemes.

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