Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Drax
First Appearance: Wonder Woman Special (1992)
Creators: William Messner Loebs and Jill Thompson
Abilities: Super strength. Ability to shapeshift. Fire breathing. The ability to sense strength and power in another. The ability to force his will upon the mind of another ‘like hands of hot ice’ making their minds as ‘transparent as glass’.

Backstory: Servant and husband to the dread demon Barremargox, Drax was her agent in other realms, working to carry out her will and fullfill her every desire.

With the great Barremargox limited in what she could do beyond her sphere of influence, Drax was entrusted to condcuct dealings with those foolish enough to desire her patronage. Working to find a means of giving Barremargox a foothold into yet another plane of existence so her influence may spread.

Devout to carrying out her will, Drax had the ability to sense those with great power. An ability he used to try and find a worthy vessel to bear the great Barremargox.

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Name: Barremargox
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #63 (1992)
Creators: William Messner Loebs and Jill Thompson
Abilities: The ability to possess mortal forms. The power to create gateways to other dimensions. Posesses the ability to alter the fabric of reality to her whim to change the universe to suit her desires.

Backstory: All powerful pervasive entity whose power spreads across multiple realities. Barremargox was an all powerful demon who ruled over a network of unspeakable hell dimensions. Realms of reality which each had their own peoples and cultures until Barremargox made a foothold in their plane of existence, turning them into hellish reflections of her abominable home.

Limited only in the need to possess a vessel belonging to that home reality which is powerful enough to contain her vast power and influence, Barremargox was a horrifying hellish entity which would never be sated.

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