Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Sumo the Samurai
First Appearance: Superman vs Wonder Woman (1978)
Creators: Gerry Conway and Jose Lopez
Abilities: Ability to draw forth answers from a targets mind with his piercing gaze. Indestructible sword haver. Super strength. Super speed. Super senses. Mastery of martial arts. Skilled in Archery. Ability to cause sudden radiation degradation in anything he touches. Radiation resistance

Backstory: Spending decades training in a school for samurai under the ‘Enlightened one’. Sumo would graduate and be granted a potion of power which enhanced his already considerable skills.

Swearing fealty to his emperor to do anything commanded, Sumo would undertake any mission and face any foe for the name of his nation. Motivated and driven entirely by his sense of honor and duty.

Events later on would cause Sumo to become radioactive, requiring him to wear a suit of solid led least he kill everything around him. His touch bringing death to anything he came in contact with.

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