Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Doctor Crawford
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #26 (2017)
Creators: Shea Fontana and Mirka Adolfo
Abilities: Skilled physician. Possesses barbed glove coated in sedative powerful enough to affect Wonder Woman. Amazonian super strength. Amazonian physical health.

Backstory: Medical professional appointed by the military to oversee the Argus agents and ensure they remain in peak physical condition. Doctor Crawford had been working with Wonder Woman for several years, having the opportunity to study Diana and her abilities extensively.

When she came down with the rare ‘Royer-Mays syndrome’ an incurable and fatal genetic disease which claimed her mother. The disease is signaled by coughing and deterioration of motor function, leading to an eventual deterioration of the mind itself. Doctor Crawford swore to fight it.

As luck would have it, Doctor Crawford would stumble across a cure when the military higher ups demanded she discover a way of using Wonder Womans DNA to create a super soldier serum. Realizing that this was her chance, Doctor Crawford took it, and hurriedly taking the serum directly from Dianas blood, Doctor Crawford injected herself with it.

In mere moments, Doctor Crawford gained the incredible physical strength inherent in all Amazons. However she did not contend with the side effects. For trying to tap into the blessings the Amazons possess through genetics and enhancing them came with dramatic effects on the mind.

Doctor Crawford would become violent, aggressive, and combative. Seeking battle and shrugging off injuries with an almost manic glee, Wishing to revel in her new found incredible strength and the glory of battle.

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