Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: King Midas
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #39 (1949)
Creators: Robert Kanigher and H.G Peter
Abilities: Possesses a vast and diverse fortune. Scepter haver. Ability to disguise himself as wealth. Possesses noxious gas.

Backstory: The so called ‘Master Miser of All Time’ and ‘The Modern Midas’. King Midas was a criminal kingpin whose entire modus operandi was to procure unmatched valuables of all sorts. Gold, Uranium, precious jewels, money in vast quantities in different currencies. He wanted a fortune in every conceivable way.

Not that he had any grand ambition for using this wealth in any way. Instead, he sought these treasures out purely for the sake of hoarding that wealth so he can proclaim himself the wealthiest in all the land.

Styling himself after King Midas and dressing up as royalty, King Midas would come up with elaborate plots in an effort to procure wealth. From grand robberies, to having henchmen marry wealthy elderly women.

His signature however, is disguising himself as a giant gold coin to smuggle himself into vaults, so that he and his henchmen might pilfer whatever ill gotten gains they can carry.

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