Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Saturna
First Appearance: Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor Special (2017)
Creators: Tim Seeley and Christian Duce
Abilities: Whip haver. Leads a militia of armored gun wielding minions. Flight. Necromancy.

Backstory: Leader of the ‘Crimson Men’ a doomsday militia consisting of cultists convinced that the world is doomed to perish in a great crisis signaled by red skies.

In a desperate effort to avoid this, Saturna and her Crimson men would continuously comb the Earth, committing any act no matter how heinous in order to acquire treasures and artifacts to ensure they would survive the crisis to come.

Saturna leading this group, would talk of dark elves and Valkyries, making comparisons as she used her own dark talents to further her dark cause. For Saturna was gifted in the necromantic arts. Capable of raising from the dead any who have perished to once more fight in her name as an undead horde.

Declaring survival above all, Saturna would do anything it took to remain alive.

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