Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Paulie Longo
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #85 (1994)
Creators: William Messner Loebs and Mike Deodato jr
Abilities: Criminal savvy as a mob boss. Vast laundered wealth. Commands a crew of demon gangsters. Limo driving skills. Gun haver.

Backstory: Formerly a lieutenant working for the Sazia crime family. Paulie Longo was a mobster with dreams of making a name for himself and becoming a big man with a bigger chair.

Having worked for Antonio Sazia as a knee breaker since he was fifteen, Paulie claimed to have seen Antonio as a sort of father figure and imagined himself as the mobsters heir. Thus when the White Magician murdered Sazia and proclaimed Paulie Longo as his successor, the goon leaped at the chance to claim his criminal enterprise.

With White Magician ‘blessing’ his mobsters with powers through demonic pacts and blood sacrifice, Paulie Longo would have an army of superpowered goons which he would use to gobble up a good portion of Bostons criminal underworld, Becoming kingpin of the city. With a desire to expand his criminal empire nation wide, with dreams of even putting the worlds superheroes under his thumb.

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Henchmen of Paulie Longo