Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Thought Master
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #64 (1953)
Creators: Robert Kanigher and H.G Peter
Abilities: Ability to create worlds of thought and trap victims within their own minds.

Backstory: Psychic contractor for the criminal underworld. The Thought Master was a powerful mentalist who had the ability to create elaborate worlds within the minds of his victims, trapping them in their own minds.

The victim would only see what Thought Master wished them to see. Unable to interact with the real world as they percieved it save for those elements which the Thought Master projected as existing. Through this, Thought Master could leave someone just standing staring vacantly into space. A power limited in that he could not interact with the victims himself without putting himself at risk.

Rather than use his powers for an immediate pay off, Thought Master was a contractor who would perform jobs for other criminals in exchange for a tidy sum.

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