Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Meteor Girl
First Appearance: Comic Cavalcade #25 (1947)
Creators: William Marston and H.G Peter
Abilities: Can fly and move faster than the speed of light. Capable of smashing through stone and metal by applying enough acceleration. Possesses the ‘sting-ray’ a laser pistol that can enwrap, concuss, and create a painful agony comparable to being stun by a stingray fish.

Backstory: Hailing from planet Hator, a world where love and law were alien concepts and everyone possessed the capability of flight and its peoples divided between two opposing nations which dominated the planet.

Badra was the daughter of Queen Wickeda, imminent future ruler of Hator should she best the opposing nation. The young girl would be trained in the ways of wickedness and duplicity. Because only someone with true villainy in their hearts can possibly rule a world where Hators gonna hate.

However in an effort to destroy Wickeda and her people once and for all, the enemy nation whose name was lost to the annals of time would invent and use the ‘Hatorian Cosmic Bomb’ a weapon capable of disintegrating any matter it comes in contact with save for lead which was immune.

The planet Hator destroyed, Badra would be in the lead lined secret security chamber when the planet was destroyed, the only survivor of a world dominated by war.

Hurtling through space like a meteor, the girls safe room would crash deep into the Earth in a suspended animation until it was unearthed by miners, leading to the young child to flee using her incredible speed and flight.

For years Badra would live in abandoned homes, stealing to get by. Growing up to surround herself with a gaggle of minions who soaked up the philosophy of Hator like a sponge, would serve Badra and be given shares for her heists.

Dubbed the ‘Meteor Girl’ by the papers, Badra would continue robbing stores and using her incredible powers to take whatever she wants and revel in the camaraderie of her minions.

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