Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Doctor Echo
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #154 (2000)
Creators: Doselle Young and John McCrea
Abilities: Power to amplify ambient energy in his vicinity and direct it however he wishes.

Backstory: Mad scientist who was attempting to create a more advanced form of the unified field theory by combining quantuum vacuum fluctuations and high energy magic, resulting in an incredible explosion which somehow gifted him with the ability to tap into the natural energy all around him, increase its power, and manipulate it to his will.

Declaring himself to be an ‘echo of the real’ and ‘mad science incarnate’ Doctor Echo would for reasons unspecified, enter into a life of crime. Crossing paths with Blue Ice, the two of them would immediately fall in love. Going hand in hand as they commit brutal acts of murder and terror for the sake of making money doing really bad things.

Not caring who they work for so long as the money is good, they would be unconcerned about the consequences so long as they had eachother.

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