Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Slaughter
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #145 (1999)
Creators: Eric Luke and Mathew Clark
Abilities: Able to shapeshift his ten arms into any weapon he desires. God-like strength.

Backstory: The eight legged, ten armed, blue skinned, centaur with a cyclopian head and two of his ugly mits perpetually stuffed in his own mouth was one of the children of Chronus.

Born of Chronus’s hatred and desire for revenge, Slaughter personified the most basic and violent aspects of war. The desire to cause death and terror. Reveling in the bloodshed.

Capable of freely shapeshifting his limbs to anything he desires, Slaughter could match any physical blow laid against him with a similar weapon. Leaving him armed and dangerous at all times.

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