Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Disdain
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #145 (1999)
Creators: Eric Luke and Mathew Clark
Abilities: Powers of seduction. Can shapeshift into what ones heart desires. Can materialize a giant knife out of thin air to stab someone in the back with. Ability to control emotions.

Backstory: The ‘assassin of the heart’ Disdain was one of the children of Chronus. Created to aid him in carrying about his vengeance on the heavens themselves.

As each of these children of Chronus were created as a weapon against particular aspects of an individual, Disdain was a weapon against the heart. Created to manipulate and control. To create a weakness and an opening to exploit in her enemies.

While others charge onto the battlefield openly letting blood, Disdain would use her powers to know who matters most to someone, take their form, and lure them into a moment of unsuspecting ease which she would exploit to shiv them to death.

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