Wonder Woman: Encyclopedia of Villains

Name: Anglette
First Appearance: Wonder Woman #41 (2018)
Creators: James Robinson and Stephen Segovia
Abilities: Possession of the ‘angler’ a triangle that allows one to bend space to ones will. A suit which amplifies the anglers power.

Backstory: A villainess who has inherited the Angler name and less impressive costume of the Angleman. The Angler was a contract villain for hire who would do anything if the price was right.

Her suit somehow amplifying the angler she was using, Anglette was capable of bending space to separate pieces of things from one another unlike Anglemans ‘bend them in half or place them along two points in space’

Not one for fighting heroes by choice, Anglette prefers to use her abilities to make a quick exit when things are not turning out her way.

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