Will Wally West return to Young Justice?

Will Wally West return to Young Justuce?


GOD I HOPE SO!!! But preferably as THE FLASH! (Maybe wearing his Rebirth suit! I’d laugh my head off if he came back ala Ben Affleck in Pearl Harbor just after Artemis and “William” hooked up!


It would be shocking if he didn’t.


I hope so! I miss Wally so much


Oh i am positive. All of the flashes who “die” absorbed in the speed force, are shot out of it at a later point.

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I hope so. If Wally comes back there’s going to be some drama. Haha

I’ve always figured he would at some point. Probably somewhere around the end of this season.

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I recall reading somewhere that someone behind the show (I want to say Greg Weisman) stated that in this universe, there is no Speed Force, and that Wally was just gone. No intention of bringing him back.
Now, I know that sounds bad and things can change (after all, this is a show that got cancelled and renewed we’re talking about), but it feels like his sacrifice is kind of sullied by just finagaling him into everyone’s lives again. I liked him, too, but that’s part of what made his death so meaningful.

Guys he is dead we all have to move on

I cant accept that hahaha


I certainly hope not.

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I would like for him to come back. Mostly because I’m not feeling this “let’s hook Artemis up with her brother-in-law” thing. However I feel the only way they would do that is if there is going to be a 4th season, which has yet to be decided.

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I would prefer Wally stay dead.

We all know he’s just stuck in the speed force. Just like in the live action tv series