
Hi here’s a why question. Why can’t I get DC universe in the UK I’m using a VPN at the moment to get on here but I should be able to download the app all I get is sorry this is not available in your country. Can someone tell me when it’s coming to the UK.

A man who is not wise but makes us laugh once said:

“Why all of the hair? Why all of the pearls? Why anything?”

Pure poetry.



Just to clarify things a little for you in case you have a paid membership and cannot view things …

There is only one type of paid membership and that is Premium. So if you have a paid membership and cannot watch, then you have an issue. The easiest issue to resolve would be if you are not properly logged in. You can still access the community and see what is available without being logged in so it can be confusing.

So if you have a paid membership, double check and be sure you are properly logged in. If you have a paid membership and are logged in and still cannot view videos or read comics, then contact customer service and let them help you.

But if you have not paid for a membership and asked that question, see all the other replies above.


@appleJack :rofl::rofl::joy:

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I bookmarked this wonderful thread.


@iJest, to quote Mindy from TV’S Animaniacs: “Why?” =)


Lol I think you scared them away

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“ok I love you buh-bye!”

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hands a trophy to iJest


Well mods thanks for verifying that marijuana is legal in California now


Its just how steaming works man.

You cant waych a movie on Netflix without paying for the sub.
You cant listen to music without ads on spotify without the sub.
Etc etc efc… same thing.

Streaming ^

I want us to make this thread immortal, put it in Granite folks!

Not only do we have the primary existential question of all humankind: “why???”… but we also get to look deeply ( perhaps too deeply, disturbingly so) into the minds of the mods here!!!


Lol, our mods are amazing!


Why thank you, @LifeNoob98! :blush:
Sideeyes @Don-El

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Hee heee