Why weekly episode release?

Am I the only one not liking these weekly release of episodes of the Doom Patrol, I pay a monthly sub to watch different shows, and I’ve seen most of the ones I liked, and now I wanted to give a shot on Doom Patrol and Im stock on episode 6 I believe. Why don’t they release half series and half series the other month, that could help them imo

I’m content with a episode every week just like Every other show I watch :scream: although now I wouldn’t mind a faster speedy towards the second season like instead of waiting months etc we could just wait a month XD but I’m just thinking wild a month would be way to quick

I would be fine with a Netflix style drop of episodes, if it we’re for yearly subscribers only. If they keep it to one episode per week for monthly subscribers, and only the first two episodes for free trial members, otherwise people would cancel after watching one season of a show.


I personally OK with it They have been doing it since Titans and I expect them to continue to do it once a week every Friday a new episode comes out

This is the same business model everyone but Netflix uses for their original programming (HBO, HULU, CBS all access, etc). They need ongoing subscribers not in for a month, binge, then out.

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I’m also ok with the weekly releases. Gives me something to look forward to each Friday. I also agree that weekly releases make the most business sense.


Netflix has and has had shows that utulize weekly and bi-weekly release schedules too. DC Universe is no different.


I love weekly releases


I love it. Takes me back to Saturday morning cartoons💆


The other thing is that the weekly releases give time for people to discuss specific episodes which is a big part of the subscription service. The community would be much more disorganized in debates, and discussion if we were on monthly releases. As someone said earlier too, it lets people look forward to Fridays when the show is released :slight_smile:


A lot of people like that, but as others have mentioned if they dropped them all at once or even just half then half months later they would likely get a lot who would binge and then unsub the same month. Yes Netflix doesn’t do that but they have literally thousands of shows and movies to entice you to stay after you watch. And yes people do have the option of just waiting until a season is over and binging then, but they are banking most would not want to wait that long and will stick around.

Don’t get me wrong I think most would not complain if they started dropping them month to month (although the slow burn is not without some benefits) but business wise it probably wouldn’t be the best idea. The truth is that binging new shows (or binging at all) is not some long time thing, up until about 12 years ago (guessing but about that) we all watched shows from week to week.

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Patience is a virtue , everyone is so entitled these days…


Every Friday is a DC day in my house. It gives us something to look forward to and I get to create my own version of T.G.I.F. It really brings the family together.

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Because we’re trying to build a community here, and a large part of the fun is the conversation that goes on between episodes. :hugs: