Why Do People Enjoy the Zack Snyder Movies?

I heard on the news that did a report & interview with Henry Cavill that he was cast for Man of Steel because he never gets cast for virtually anything.

I think it was a 60 Minutes report.

Zack Snyder choose the main storyline and plots and main villain(s) of Aquaman & Wonder Woman.

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Didn’t watchman come out in 2008 or near that year?

With 30+ year gap.

But I was born decades after his assassination so I never had a problem with that.

People who survived Europe in World War 2 who saw a lot of people get killed when they were a kid, can never watch any imagery of people getting killed, not fictional tv shows, not fictional movies, nothing.

Every person has different boundaries due to their personal life experience.

" So, if the universe is moving so far from Snyder, then why is he credited as an executive producer on Aquaman ? The answer is evident in a recent trend of more and more executive producers being listed on big movies, especially cinematic universes. In the same way comic book writers get credits when their characters are used, even if they didn’t contribute to the script, the executive producer credit is often used to recognize a creative’s contributions to a character in earlier films."

Reread what I wrote in the post you replied to, I had some typos.

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A la Aquaman, No giant squid, Batman and Superman being imbeciles, Doomsday being made by an earthling, Batman branding people and shooting guns

What? He saves people the entire movie. And against undefeatable odds he still tries to save the day. Superman never loses hope, he always moves forward. In a losing and uphill battle he knows he’s the only one who has a chance of changing anything; he’s likely to lose but he goes for it anyway. Supes is literally hopeful the entire movie.


It’s dark and supposed to be grim, but there is a huge contradiction in that the movies are built to appeal to large audiences. We have all this dark scenery and these disillusioned heroes and this tone that is sort of realism yet sort of darker than reality.

Yet there is nothing substantiating why the good guys are screwed up mentally and there is no grotesque evil we get to see the bad guys accountable for. The problem is that the movies want to be realistic, and feature humanness in a realistic fashion, but the movies need to be set for mainstream appeal so they can’t have gratuitous violence or danger or feature actual deep psychic damage

I don’t have a problem with Zach Snyder so much as I have a problem with trying to make these good guys too bad.

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Zack Snyder is just an edgelord. He thinks being shocking is the same as being revolutionary. And anyone who disagrees with him is a virgin.


@Awesome_Squid this deserved so much more than a single “thumbs up”.


I can agree, but I think he gets a lot of that from Alan Moore and Grant Morrison and Frank Miller. There is this whole category of comics seen as literary, in the vein of all star Superman, who story tellers are told to emulate. I don’t blame the movies’ being bad on Snyder for being an edgelord, which I think he is; I blame the DC executives controlling the movie franchise for wanting to try to distance themselves too hard from Marvel. True, they need to be different to stand apart from what already exists or they look like copy cats, but being different can be done respectfully and being similar can be done gracefully.

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I like Snyder’s aesthetic and many of his movies, I just don’t think his tone is right for everything, and I don’t think his eye is good for managing a well crafted plot. Most problematically I think Snyder just keeps getting handed bad scripts.

I like Snyder’s eye for Superman the most. I think Aquaman deserves someone who isn’t James Wan. I think Patty Jenkins is good, but not quite perfect, mind the fact that there is a huge lack of detail in her Wonder Woman presentation most likely because of integral script issues rather than the director herself

I don’t think it was the director, I think it was the script. Moins the undertones of anti-male feminism, Captain Marvel’s greatest failings were in its predictability, lack of detail, and lack of flair

Captain Marvel was in no way anti-male. But it was unfortunately somehow the most generic MCU origin story so far. And the main character experiences no growth.

Unrelated (but back to the main topic), Zack Snyder isn’t trying to emulate people. He thinks his films are better than those comics because his are more “realistic” and shocking. Let’s not forget that he talks about things like Batman getting raped as if it would a good thing that would have put his film above others.


I had issues with MoS, BvS, and JL, but the rewatch factor for me is off the charts. I think modern audiences have become spoiled into thinking a good superhero means an origin story, a few jokes, and virtually zero stakes. For me, I only need to see THOSE movies once, maybe a few of them twice. Snyder at least has attempted to convey what gives the comics depth in the first place, though he can get a little heavy-handed. I don’t need Superman to be such a downer or Batman to introduce new branding tactics or watch beloved childhood heroes dig up Superman’s corpse. But the pros outweigh the cons and, for me at least, the epic weight of these movies definitely shines through.

Going back further, I absolutely love Watchmen, I thought 300 was boring, and I never saw Sucker Punch. So really I guess the fun of a Snyder film is not knowing how you’re gonna feel about it.



And that’s your opinion, but it’s wrong. It is with little deception antimale. It doesn’t take a discerning eye.

But I can completely agree that it was disgustingly generic. I think that the main character experiences no growth is a testament to “I don’t need to change, the world needs to change, stop holding me back patriarchy”.

And Snyder is, regardless of how much blame you put on him, following a precedent. He is emulating hero writers of the past.

Those literary comic stories sold well, and most likely were his introduction to comics because they are baby’s first 50. They are largely gritty, filled with screwed up interpretations of good guys, and obsessed with pain’s effect on the human psyche

People tend to stick to what they like, and I think he was chosen as a director by WB because he likes what he likes.

“He thinks his films are better than those comics because his are more “realistic” and shocking” is where as I’ve said before I know you’ve got the guy wrong. But the real matter is that this realistic and shocking dyanmic is the belief system Alan Moore and Frank Miller and Grant Morrison write by, Synder didn’t pull this mentality out of thin air

He is an edgelord, but I’ve never seen anything of him in interviews to lead me to believe he thinks “shocking” is inherently better. Certainly back stories featuring real pain for characters to grow beyond make the story wholly more dynamic.

Certainly realistic pain is what is largely missing from the Marvel movies.

Unassociated, the reason why I think the DCCU is largely composed of cinematic failures

Batman is in his 50’s, so branding people makes since.

I don’t recall him shooting guns, but if so; then thats messed up.

Then again he created the rail gun to shoot thru his own bat-suit in Batwoman series (before his character disappeared).

Also, the first DCEU Batman movie (also first 3D Batman movie) takes place in the 90’s. Can’t wait to see that in 2K21.

Live-Action movies are supposed to be more realistic anyways.

Captain Marvel movie would have been better if Paramount choae the writers instead of Disney. Imagine if Captain Marvel was a Paramount movie like Iron Man 1 & Captain America 1.

Zack Snyder’s vision for the DCEU has been this:

  1. Movies that take place before Justice League 1 that release before Justice League 1 are dark.

  2. Justice League 1 serves as a transition from dark to light (excluding Batman)

  3. Movies that take place after Justice League 1 that release after Justice League 1 are light (excluding Batman, but I can’t imagine any Batman movie fitting this description except for Dark Knight Metals live-action)

  4. movies release after Justice League 1 but take place before are in a grey area and can be either light or dark

Zack Snyder came up with this vision no later then 2013 for the DCEU.

Zack Snyder said so himself before the release of Justice League 1 and apologized to everyone for the long wait for light DCEU movies.

Its safe to assume all dark DCEU movies will take place before Justice League 1. Green Arrow movie anyone.

Captain Marvel movie would have been better if Paramount choae the writers instead of Disney. Imagine if Captain Marvel was a Paramount movie like Iron Man 1 & Captain America 1.

@shahaneh-star.11392 FYI, Iron Man and Captain America were both produced by Marvel Studios (as were all 22 MCU movies). Prior to being purchased by Disney, Marvel Studios had a distribution with Paramount. Paramount did not choose the writers.

I agree that Captain Marvel was very meh and could have used better writers. Marvel Studios has produced 22 good to great films IMO.


Firstly, someone is entitled to their opinion and that is a valid opinion for them.
Second, the Mashable article is itself an opinion piece. So that piece is an opinion as well.
It is also an opinion which completely ignores the fact that Black Widow is a well established, butt kicking, female character in the “boys club” that is the Avengers and there is no mention of Gamora in GotG either. Both of those strong female heroines are completely ignored by the Mashable article.

Does CM use stereotypical “feminist” troupes and is full of, arguably, out dated “feminist” ideologies. IMO, yes. However, if one knows about how women were treated relative to combat during that time, those feminist ideologies were/became stereotypes for a reason.

Captain Marvel is certainly not misandrist.

The Mashable opinion also ignores the history of women in front line combat. A policy only put in place in the US military January of 2013. So women allowed in combat certainly was not in effect in the Larson military flashback scenes.

So the opinion that CM is anti-male, based on US military history of women in combat alone, is not an opinion based on as many “facts” as some, including the Mashable opinion piece writer, may think.

IMO, it CM is one of the weaker MCU films because it has a weak script in general. Frankly the Avengers comic series had a better and more comics accurate origin of the character than the film.

If in your opinion that it is misandrist and you wish to ignore the US military history of women in combat, such is your right. However, that does not invalidate a contrarian opinion on the movie being “anti-male”.


Why? When did this become “a thing” for Batman? When did he cross that line? Why did he cross that line?
Those are all issues that aren’t addressed by the writers nor director. As I have said before, IMO, these films fall flat because they lack a psychological foundation for such character behavior.