Why Damian Wayne Needs to Become a FULL TIME Villain!

after time drake becomes Harvest

No i like him as a conflicted robin he needs ro become an Anti hero like red hood.


I love Damiyan Wayne. In fact i love most of the robins. Damayian is a good character. Donā€™t get rid of him or make him a villain. Heā€™s a young boy with both parents trying to shove their ideologies down his throat. Batman is trying to make him part of the bat family and an heir to the cowl. So heā€™s like Damaiyan your gonna be a vigilante that doesnā€™t kill people. While Talia is trying to groom him up to become the next Raā€™s.


Damian was a villain in the Injustice storyline. He was great as a villain cause I hated him

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Iā€™ve rewatching BTAS and I think a fitting storyline for him would be to take over for his Grandfather someday.

He should become an anti-hero, not a villain, and get out of the hate Damian bandwagon, you didnā€™t even list valid reasons.


Damian is actually my favorite Robin. His conflicting personality works great with the rest of the family.


I deapise seeing this thread pop up! Damian is blood, go play in traffic you senile pompous toad!



What Tim needs to do is become his own hero ie:nightwing Tim doesnā€™t have to be Red Robin or robin he needs to be his own hero Damian is Robin now get used to it because itā€™s not changing


Like @Lexcorp said People need to stop getting on the Damian hate wagon just because they think most people hate him which just isnā€™t true


Iā€™ve met more people who love Damian rather than hate him.


Damian is the best


I canā€™t stand Damien. My ideal would be for him to have never existed in the first place, but, really, anything that gets rid of him would be nice. Iā€™m very tired of people directing me to read stories that Iā€™ve already read while acting like theyā€™ll magically convince me to like him. Unfortunately, the little base-breaker is really being pushed by DC, so heā€™ll probably be fouling things up for quite some time to come.


Yeaā€¦I actually donā€™t like Damien so muchā€¦that I donā€™t want him as a villain, because usually the villains I end up caring for lol

ā€¦ or one that has grown and evolved as much as he has.


Is Damian really that hated? I mean, Iā€™m generally annoyed by him, but I know he has his share of fans.


Heā€™s a lil douche bag. But a lot of folks here want him to be the next Bat.

No no no NOOO!

Might be my least favorite DC character

I only know Damien from the cartoon movies. From what I see so far, heā€™s freaking awesome. He seems to be the first character that may have a stronger force of will than Batman. Iā€™d live to see his character grow up and see how he fairs with fighting crime with his own unique set of flaws and strengths.

Having him turn heel as a villain would bore me. Iā€™ve seen Red Hood and I donā€™t want to see a more personal version of it.

If anything, Iā€™d add another sidekick. Iā€™d add a dopey quiet character that somehow does everything Damien does but better. But because he comes off so dopey, Damien is constantly infuriated to lose to such a goober. It creates conflict, comedy, and direction to grow.

Then againā€¦ Iā€™ve only watched the cartoonsā€¦