Why are you a DC fan?

To start off, 2 years ago, I hated superheros. I thought they were the worse. I dabbled in a few comics and movies but was never a fan of any. What little I was introduced to I was only intrigued by the villains. A year or so ago, I discovered a comic called, “The Death of Superman”. Seeing Doomsday and knowing the strength and power he had that over powered the man of steel was like, love at first sight. After that I decided to give DC a chance. The past few months it’s been like a kid in a candy store. I’m playing catch up, but I’m so happy with what DC has over their competitors.

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I’m a DC fan because superman is the greatest.


I’m a DC fan because Batman is the greatest!


The trinity: Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman. They are so inspiring! I love the depth and richness of their characters. They stand for something! Superman for hope, Wonder Woman for love, and Batman for Justice. They are more than just their powers.


I’m a Dc fan specifically Because I look up to hero’s or even Villains in a certain way. SUPERMAN shows you should always have hope where BATMAN shows you Justice is right even in hard situations(even when it doesn’t make sense)I’m just inspired to be better

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I always felt that DC had heart. Their characters had moral compasses that guide them. They feel like Gods amongst men, which I like. DC also just happens to have the characters that I love the most. I feel that these characters face astronomical odds, but never waiver from being good guys. I feel that is not true over at the competition.

I mean, I loved Batman movies as a kid, but what really got me was reading Green Lantern: Secret Origin 5-6 years ago. The stories can be so, so very good. I’ve been jumping around between different stories ever since. I don’t have a favorite publisher, but certain things draw me to the DC style. The stories end in moving ways, the characters examine themselves, and they learn a lesson. It’s just good storytelling.

I would mostly say Superman as far as I can remember I had Superman clothes and action figures once I got into the comics I got into the other heroes and even some villains.