Who Will Die in the Suicide Squad?

I’m really excited for king shark. I wonder if he’ll be similar to the king shark from that Harley Quinn show.

What character are you guys most excited for in The Suicide Squad?

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I feel as if their going to keep John cena alive for most of the movie and then he’ll be one of the last people to die.

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Although it’s clear that a lot of characters are going to die, I hope they all don’t die at once. I think the squad losing members slowly throughout the mission, and throughout the movie is more interesting.


If James Gunn continues his pattern of killing characters played by Michael Rooker in his movies, then my money is on Savant!


every member of the squad ranked from most likely to least likely

  1. Solsaria: She only lasted 2 issues in the comics
  2. BlackGaurd: He died in the 1985- Suicide Squad (The Comic James Gunn said he would base the movie off of)
  3. Javelin: Another who died in Suicide Squad 1985- (He came back to life and died again, also in a squad comic)
  4. T.D.K. : anyone remember Arms Fall Off Boy from the Legion of Super Heroes? Exactly.
  5. Thinker and Weasel: What makes these two tied? Weasel participated in a mission to rescue Hawk. During the mission, he went on a murderous frenzy and managed to cause the apparent death of The Thinker. The Suicide Squad’s leader Rick Flag Jr. wore The Thinker’s helmet in an attempt to salvage the mission, but an imprint left by The Thinker’s dying thought took over Flag into killing Weasel.
  6. Polka Dot Man: In his silver age appearance he was probably the most dangerous Batman villain. When he was recreated in the bronze age, it was revealed his defeat by Batman caused him to be utterly useless, combining that with James Gunn, he is not safe.
  7. Captain Boomerang: He has been thrown out of a plane, shot, you name it, combine that of the old 1985- suicide squad with James Gunn and with the fact it is the same actor, in the sequal movie, is he going to be okay? Not likely. Plus, he recently died in rebirth.
  8. Ratcatcher 2: We have no idea who she is, but the name implies her mentor Otis Flannegan is dead, so she does not have good odds

Now That I have listed those who will die here are some who won’t
9. Savant: He never died in the comics.
10. King Shark
11. Peacemaker
12. Mongal: She has no weakness
13. Bloodsport: He is destined, by everyone, to not die. Think about it, when the cast talk about Bloodsport it is basically confirmed he is obviously not going to die.
14, Harley Quinn: What? Like you thought she would be before last?


Not you :wink:


@TheRealDetectiveChimp I can’t see peacemaker on that list.

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oops forgot him


now got him


It’s ok. You didn’t forget you just couldn’t see him. We all made that mistake.


Everyone but Harley and Boomerang.


Blackguard, I feel like he’ll have his moment then immediately be obliterated after it.


no I forgot then edited my post

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I’m waiting for a trailer for this movie. I haven’t heard much about since dc fandome. Still very excited for this movie to hopefully come out next august.

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My fortune teller says Doomsday shows up and kills Martian Manhunter. We then get “Reign of the Martian Menhunter.”

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Haven’t checked the poll in a while. Looks like weasel is the most anticipated character to die first in the movie so far.

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Just release a trailer already. I’m tired of waiting.

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Sylvester Stallone is going to appear in The Suicide Squad. Many have guessed that he’ll be the voice of king shark while others think that he’ll play the rumored villain Starro.

Who do you think he’ll be?

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