Who’s Down for a DC vs Marvel Video Game?πŸŽπŸ‚

Always go for the underdog. Marvel is on a mega high horse at the moment :racehorse:

I’d be down for that. What characters do you think should definitely be included?

I’d be down for that. What characters do you think should definitely be included?

I want to see Superman Vs Captain America :billed_cap:

For sure! Would love to see Superman vs Thor, Batman vs Black Panther, Damage vs Hulk. The possibilities are endless.

I would love to see DC vs marvel

Absolutely!! Been wanting this to happen since the days of Genesis vs SNES! Either a straight fighting game or a multiplayer arena fighter with fully destructable environments and object interaction. Think Injustice mashed with PowerStone.
In the meantime there always the Mugen Engine on PC or the WWE games, you can literally make anyone (just need your own storyline as to why they’re wrestling without powers)

I’m down