Who is your favorite bat villain and why

Which bat villain do you enjoy reading about most what do you like about them and what made you start liking them

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Mr Freeeeeze. He’s not evil. He’s just desperate to save his wife and he’s uncompromising when it comes to how to do it. It’s exciting every time you see him because he has a new suit, new gun, and new henchmen (how did he get polar bears that one time?)

I swear they make his wife even hotter on purpose every time he comes back to reinforce his suffering blue balls.

He’s the one villain who desperately needs a win but should never be allowed one in order to illustrate the dark poetry of life.

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Riddler. He’s a petty a```

 who commits crimes *just* to show off how much smarter he is than everyone, and even tried going straight one time (again, *just* to show off much smarter he is than everyone). He's dangerous, and he *can* be deadly, but his goals are so much more unique than "take over the world/kill the Bat!/rob banks."
The cool design of his tuxedo outfit doesn't hurt either.

Harley Quinn and cuz I feel sorry for her for falling for the joker least she with ivy who won’t beat her

Two-Face. I love that he’s a living dichotomy of good and evil.

I first experienced him via the Untold Legend of The Batman mini-series.


My favorite is obviously Riddler how he acts so above everyone else and how with his intelligence he could easily best Batman but he just can’t give up the game he has to leave his clues at first I hated Riddler because I hadn’t seen enough of him but the Arkham city game got me hooked


My favorite is obviously Riddler how he acts so above everyone else and how with his intelligence he could easily best Batman but he just can’t give up the game he has to leave his clues at first I hated Riddler because I hadn’t seen enough of him but the Arkham city game got me hooked

I keep accidentally posting twice

Definitely the joker ever since I read him in the killing joke!

My favorite bat villain is a tie between The Scarecrow and Ras ah ghoul

Gotta be Joker, everytime he shows up after not being around for a while, I just have a big smile on my face.

Besides Joker it would be Bane. Ive always preferred the strategic and calculated version over the raging brute that we see when he is used as a side character.

For example his iterations I like are in Knightfall, The Dark Knight Rises, Over the Edge episode( https://youtu.be/MlBuL6wul_w), in Arkham Origins.


I hate to say the cliche answer, but its easily the Joker. To me he is the best villain in comics. To me he is different then any other villain in comics. He isn’t motivated by revenge, power, or any of the other cliche things villains are motivated by. He simply wants to see chaos and just enjoys being destructive.

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For me, this answer changes a bit. I think I used to consider Scarecrow pretty high up there on the list because his ability to influence perception is quite frightening. Right now, though, my favorite would have to be Amanda Waller.

She might not be a villain in the most traditional sense, but she has certainly been a reoccurring antagonist and her actions have led to the creation of villains that Batman and other members of the league have had to put down. Her actions in the creation of Ace, in particular, make her a complex and layered character.

I like that there’s a case to be made that she isn’t a villain because her actions are motivated by a sincere desire to better the world, but there’s also a case to be made that her distrust of Batman and other superheroes has led her to create deadly metahumans that she ultimately can’t control. She’s ultimately responsible for the destruction her projects cause, which easily rivals anything the Joker has done.

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Hurling a spiked ball through a concrete wall to slicing top grade titanium cables of Batman’s grappling gun like a tomato against a chef blade. Clayface! Has it all that a great villain needs. So much fun!

Two Face! He has two sides. Just like Batman and Bruce Wayne.