Who is DC Comic’s most unique chatacter?

Raven. She has a unique history and powers that not many people have. Plus, she’s my favorite.

Danny the Street.


I am going to have to go with the question.

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Tough. I’d have to go with Matter eater Lad. Simply b/c his power is so much different then anyone else’s. I didn’t dig deep but I can’t think of another character with a “power” even close to his.

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Red Tornado

Before I get booed off of this thread, hear me out. One could make an argument for Batman. I know, I know. He’s the very definition of mainstream, but he’s the original that many creators over the last 80 years( happy b-day B-man ) have taken inspiration from when they create a character. Being the oldest fleshed our character of his mold makes him unique if others were created in his image. He’s also just so versatile. He fits noir. Contemporary detective stories. Martial Arts, Kung fu movie style material. Survivalist stories. Psychological. Horror. Campy( though not my favorite, it worked for a good two decades before most of our time ). Indiana Jones style quest stories. I’m not saying he’s THE most unique DC character, but I wouldn’t scoff at the notion. He’s certainly IMO the most versatile. Could Constantine have worked in the same camp as the 60’s Batman? Maybe. But that writer is BRILLIANT. Actually Morrison could pull off that sort of camp for Constantine. I actually kind of want that now​:joy::four_leaf_clover:


Ragman, maybe?

Spectre, Rorschach, or the Atom. At least for me anyways lol.

Time Trapper

Space cabbie, yo!


Vixen she is so cool

Animal Man because he understands why so many bad things happen to superheroes in their private lives and also has a golden heart despite knowing he is a comic hero. Also he is one of the few DC heroes to have met his comic book author.

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The most unique character would have to Mr. Mxyzptlk. Given the nature of his existence, the fact that he’s the same character from the golden age, c an travel through time and dimensions, has shown up in the Marvel Universe, as well as our own, and is the same Mxy from the Superman animated series as well as any other iteration of the character in media, always looking for a different Superman to screw with. That, along with his vast and god like powers, yet choosing to use them only for his own amusement and having and unwavering sense of fairness, always keeping his word and following whatever rules he set when first entering the third dimension sets him apart from all other characters. He has the power to alter any facet of reality but chooses not to because he has no desire to conquer the universe like anyone else with his incredible power would. He’s only interested in having fun and screwing with whatever form of Superman he comes across, reintroducing himself to any new form of Supes that he comes across. A character that powerful who handles his god like abilities with unwavering fairness, not to mention his generally wacky nature and the fact that he always keeps his word really sets him apart from other comic book characters. So I would say that, in my opinion, Mr. Mxyzptlk is the single most unique character in comics. Anyone else with half his power would abuse it immediately, just like the Joker did, but that is nothing he’s ever desired to do. He also has a sense of innocence unrivalled by other characters, especially those with a fraction of the power he has. He truly doesn’t understand human society and learns about it through Superman, always careful not to actually hurt anybody, and undoing it if he does. He is far from malicious, which sets him apart from any other antagonist in comics and is really only looking for a fun time. Then there’s the fact that Superman is legitimately his best friend and would never actually do anything to harm him in any way. For example, when he found out Superman temporarily lost his powers, he called off his game and left, but not before assuring Supes that he was confident that he would get his powers back soon, then kept his word and went back to the 5th dimension. Then, when he showed up again it was after Superman and Lois had called off their engagement. Mxyzptlk was so distraught that he didn’t have the heart to play their game and didn’t want to heap any more trouble onto Superman’s plate because he loved them as a couple and was genuinely happy when they finally got together, so he took their break-up rather hard. Then, when they finally got married, Mxyzptlk showed up again in their wedding day disguised as Jimmy Olsen so he could have a chance to talk to Supes while his guard was down. He helped him tie his bowtie and get ready for the wedding then revealed who he really was, promising Superman that he wasn’t there to cause trouble of any kind, which is a promise he kept. All he wanted to do was tell Superman how happy he was for them and wish him the best of luck in his marriage, saying that now he had two playmates with Lois involved and that he was looking forward to seeing a newer, happier Superman. During the ceremony who just stood in the back with a genuinely happy smile on his face while Louis and Clark tied the not. After the ceremony, he kept his word and returned to the 5th dimension.
All of those traits together are seen in no other character in comics, at least not to my knowledge. So, I would say that Mr. Mxyzptlk is easily the most unique character in all of comics, with a role that’s impossible to really define as hero or villain as he doesn’t fit the description of either. The closest description of him would be antagonist, and even that can be iffy at times. His truly unique nature is why he’s one of my favorite characters in all of comics. I would say he easily takes the top spot when it comes to unique characters because they don’t get more unique than Mr. Mxyzptlk. He has the power of a god and the presence of mind not to abuse it and always keeps his word, which makes him not only unique, but admirable as well.

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