Which Superman Film Is Worse?

Superman has had a lot of cinematic outings, but which one is the worst?

  • Man of Steel. F*ck you, Zach Snyder.
  • Superman Returns. DAMN YOU, SINGER!!!
  • Justice League 2017. Blame the CGI upper lip thing.
  • Can’t we all just hate Superman 4?

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Man Of Steel, but that reaction is a bit extreme.


It’s a joke. Synder basically made Man of Steel a slightly worse version of Batman Begins.


Batman Begins wasn’t even a bad movie lol


My thought exactly until I saw @BatMike-ThePunisher reply lol


Um the original from 78?


It’s not. Just a bit dull at times. Man of Steel took that, switched Batman with Superman, and took most of what Batman Begins did and made it worse.

For further proof, find Nostalgia Critic’s Man of Steel review and watch the first few minutes.


F NO! Nostalgia Critic is such a tool, not entertaining, and sometimes I question if he ever really watched the movie. Last Action Hero for example.


I have watched Last Action Hero and I agree with the critic.

I am so sorry that you are so wrong.


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You don’t like the first Reeve’s Superman film??

NOPE! Saw it even as a kid, born in 86. Never liked it. I feel this film has more or less morphed Superman. People treat the character of Superman as not really existing until that movie. I could make a movie of him from his early days, were let’s be honest, he could be a dick at times. And people would say I don’t get the character, got him wrong, or w/e b/s.


Oh Sh*t! That first bit actually made a few great points lol.

I’ll admit, when I first saw Man of Steel in theaters with my family, I was barely 9 years old, so I didn’t really understand what was going on and some time went by, I even forgot we went to the theater to watch it lol. But the reason why I never argued against people who talked bad about that movie is because I remember my mom and dad not really caring for the film. My mom only liked one scene out of the entire film and that was when Clark puts on the suit for the first time. THAT’S IT, and that’s all I really remembered. I never knew what my dad’s opinion was though, even to this day. Not that I’ll be able to hear his opinion anyway, if I asked. Looking back and watching some clips of the film, I do get it why so many people have complained. Do I like HC’s Superman? I still do. Do I like the direction and tone that Zack took the character? Not really, but it’s definitely unique. I feel that Snyder should’ve taken a more “Superman & Lois” type of approach. I think he could’ve maybe done a better job going that route. But again, if he had gone that route with Supe’s then we probably wouldn’t have gotten the show Superman & Lois, because it already would’ve been touched.

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I love how this just became another unpopular opinions thread lol


This is the only place I can express my fandom and opinions so, y’all are going to hear it lol


My first time seeing Man of Steel…sucked. I wanted to see it, but also did it as part of an assignment for a film class. The assignment was go to a theatre you’ve never been to, like a drive-in for example. I went to one of those were you can order food from waiters there, at the screening. It sucked, you had lamps to read the menu, which, yeah I get. Waiters walking in front of the screen, and no I wasn’t about to say they should duck or crawl while carrying food. You also hear people ordering food. Nothing against the individuals, the whole system just sucked! Hence, that theatre is gone now, lol. But I couldn’t enjoy the film, too much going around me.

I too felt it was more or less Batman Begins (which I loved) with Superman. It also felt more Nolan-y than a Snyder film to me. In time, I learned I was wrong about that. Grant you, since Begins I know people kinda latched onto the non-linear narrative. It’s fine but don’t whr it out.

After my second viewing, I fell in love with the film though. It’s emotional, it’s human, not super heroes meet the feel goods of Leave It To Beaver. No forced romance with Lois. I’m sorry, Marvel, DC, don’t matter. CBMs suck at romance. The movie made me feel something, which more and more I need. Not to pick on Marvel BUT they sum it up for me. Those kinda movies I come out from, mildly entertained (at best) and say “Well that was fun. So what we gettin’ to eat?” And honestly, you can get there anywhere.

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Hold up! Except Wanda & Vision.

I feel that’s as far as Marvel is going to take with that level of emotion in romance. I think after dealing with the W & V story, they’re not going to attempt with any other characters.

Sorry, never seen it. Don’t plan to. I will not disagree with you, and let you have it. But most of the time, romance is almost tacked on. There’s this need of, not to sound like a feminist, but hey we have a female lead here, better make them the love interest.
Nothing against TDK Trilogy and its fans, but I doubt many will defend or care about Bruce & Rachel? Say something about Heath’s Joker (trust me I won’t) but here comes the pitchforks, lol. And rightfully so.


The disasters at DC cinema all started with Super Dead Beat Dad Returns.