Which DC character would you name your children after?

wally west

Mxyzptlk :grinning:


I named my son Ledger after the great Heath Ledger and the greatest Joker. My wife loves the name.

See I never seen the hype with Ledger, he did a solid Joker but greatest? Nah, he wasn’t even near accurate to Joker in any platform. He was good in the movie… personally I think hes deemed so great because he died.

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Named my daughter talia. Both for talia al ghul and so we could call her tali for short like my husband’s fav character from mass effect



That’s so awesome. Talia is not only one of my faves, but one of my favorite names. I’ve only known one Talia ever & she was gorgeous.


Thank djd :slight_smile: was stocked when my husband agreed to the name.

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Barry Allen Torrez

Oliver after of course Oliver Queen… Bc Bruce is a lame name. Hahahah a Clark is boring.

I told my wife we should name
Our first boy Gotham. So When the babies crying in the middle of the night, she’ll say “ Gotham needs you”
I’d never get tired of hearing that


I don’t want kids but if I did, I wouldn’t name them after any character except maybe Diego or Alejandro for Zorro

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Not DC related, but if had a kid, I might name him/her Ash after Ashley J. Williams from The Evil Dead movies, more so in reference to Army of Darkness.

If they play sports, they can say “come get some!” or “come to papa!”.

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Rachel, Kara, Pamela, Diana, Selina, June Moon, Elaine Belloc. Pretty much most DC girls.

For boys, Barry, Wally, Jay, Alan, John, Hal Jordan, Michael Demiurgos, Billy Batson.

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I’ve always said I’d want my first born son to have first and middle name Richard and Grayson, respectively

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Damn. Juan wants a full house!

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I like Uncle Jesse.

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U bet. That’s a good man for agreeing too, but yeah I’m so jealous that’s a beautiful name inspired by a beautiful character.

I know a customer that named their kid Oliver Bruce because her favorite and his favorite

I named my cat Wally/Wallace because he runs really fast and you often hear him over see him, eats a lot and has orange fur

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