Which DC Character Belongs in the Marvel Universe and Vice Versa?

There are no wrong answers, tell us the character and if you want to, why as well, or respectfully tell us why you disagree.

  1. Captain Comet as a mutant, and one of the few in the DCU, he would probably be happier in the MU with all the other mutants, and would fit into their stories more easily. He’s always seem to be a bit awkward and doesn’t fit into the current or even past continuity.
  2. As to the Marvel Character, I think Captain America. I know how important he is to the Marvel Universe and for the most part is well used and important to storylines. However, my reasoning is that Cap is based more on an underlying concept, idea or principle and is the embodiment of an idea, which I associate with DC more than Marvel; in this case, for Cap I’ll use Democracy(though others are appropriate as well) as what he embodies. He just seems to fit into the DCU better. As their big characters unlike Marvel’s traditionally are associated with a primary idea or principle. For example, Superman, truth, justice, and the American way, or Hope, or Wonder Woman and Truth.

I don’t know what I’d want personally, BUT…

Fun Fact: Marvel and DC were ACTUALLY CONSIDERING A TRADE OF CHARACTERS back in the 90s during the DC Versus Marvel event. The two they considered trading were Martian Manhunter and She-Hulk as they felt they’d each fit better for their companies given their powers being under-represented in the other universes. Both companies were prepared to move ahead on this plan on the creative side, but lawyers for both companies were extremely worried. The various legal hoops and money it would cost to draft up contracts for various scenarios made it so that the plan was just too expensive. Here’s a more in-depth (better) explanation of the situation in this article:


Awesome, never heard about that before, thanks for sharing.


I think New Gods would work better at Marvel because it could act as an evoltion to the Thor mythous. Where the old gods are the Norse Gods. This further backs up my claim

Doctor Strange could transfor over to DC quite well because hes more of a Dikto creation than a Lee creation and then pair him up with the Question or Ted Kord (any of the Charlton charactors really)


Both good picks with sound reasoning, can’t argue with them, oh and great article in support of the New Gods, I had read that before and it does make sense.


Daredevil just screams DC though and through. Though perhaps I like him because he’s such a fish out of water in the Marvel universe.


Worth noting that Nightwing is more or less Daredevil with sight.


Booster gold in marvel seems fitting, i don’t know why

Edit: I can definitely see a booster gold and Spider-Man team up


I thought of a few trades. One group-for-group being the X-Men for the New Gods. I feel like the Marvel Universe could have more fun with the intergalactic shenanigans of the New Gods and their planets. Whereas, the X-Men would be well-suited for the grounded, but not too grounded city of Gotham.

Then I thought an Avenger for a Leaguer… Not easy to come up with, but I liked the idea of swapping Hawkeye for Green Arrow. Ollie feels like he’d be a good fit for the plucky tone the Avengers can set. Plus, he’d make it so Stark wasn’t the only arrogant billionaire creating a bit of rivalry between the two. Clint could blend well with the Justice League and could grow further in their presence. With these two swapped I decided to make it a pair for pair adding Nat and Dinah too. Hawkeye and Black Widow would help to bring the League a little more down to Earth than Green Arrow and Black Canary do… or you could go the opposite way and have the Marvelverse darken/harden Ollie and Dinah with Clint and Nat donning more colorful outfits and living up to the hero-hype of the DCverse.

Lastly, I’d swap Nick Fury and Amanda Waller. I know at first it may seem underwhelming, but The Wall would love threatening the lives of Marvel’s villains like Whiplash, Crossbones, etc., but add in a story with her and Frank Castle, boom goes the dynamite. Meanwhile, a Dark Ops faction of the Justice League led(or just organized) by Nick Fury would be incredibly effective. I’m thinking basically the Outsiders, but with Fury at the helm. This one could be flipped another way too. Nick Fury’s methods might not fly with some members of the League and it may turn to Fury leading his own Suicide Squad. Then on the other side Waller is working with the Avengers directly and gets caught up in the good-guy stuff making her go soft and eventually she will be Avenged…
or something like that…


Great ideas.


I’d trade Steve Trever for Steve Rogers because it would be redundant to have both in the same conituity. Having Captain America and Wonder Woman in the same conituity would be interesting.


I feel like any of Marvel’s “The Defenders” would work nicely in DC. Would love to see how Daredevil and Jessica Jones would interact with the Batfamily.
I also think they’d be great in The Watchmen storylines. Imagine Daredevil and Rorschach teaming up!! :exploding_head::scream:

I also feel as though Ghost Rider would be amazing somewhere in the DC world.

The Flash would be great as a Marvel character IMO. He’d a fun partner for Spider-Man.

Dr. Doom!! In DC! ‘Nuff said


Barry Allen would work


Hippolyta, like various Hercules, is a character in both DC and Marvel


The whole Squadron Supreme to DC as an elseworlds type of thing.


That would be fun to watch them battle it out.


Doctor multiverse should go in the Marvel multiverse.

Replace her with Angela. Marvel Comics really hadn’t done nothing amazing with this awesome character to be memorable. Feel like a agent of heaven makes sense in the lore of DC than Marvel.



I think Iron Man would fit right in the DC Universe. He can hang out with fellow billionaires like Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Ted Kord, Lex Luthor, etc.