Where Are The New DC Showcases?

Appereantly there was new DC Showcases does anyone have a link to them? Or what DVDs are they in? Are they here in DCU?

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If the previous Showcases are anything to follow, maybe they’ll put them together in one blu Ray when that longer Death of the Family Showcase comes out.

If that complication happens and is able to come to Blu-Ray, I’d imagine it would come here 90 days after the blu Ray release.

The shorts were:
Sgt. Rock
Phantom Stranger
Adam Strange
Batman: Death in the Family


someone on Reddit said the new ones are on Youtube and he was correct, but they are 480 and not Warner Media affiliated channels.


And they get taken down quickly, too. Warner Bros has been cracking down on stuff like that.


That is the weird thing about these. I almost feel like these would be perfect for DC to share on YouTube. If anything, it can create a buzz around some characters that are not very popular like Sgt. Rock.

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I am still confused they are out already?

So has it released yet?

I don’t know.

The next DC Animated movie is Superman: Man of Tomorrow. I guess after that we’ll get an announcement on what’s next.

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Yes they have all the shorts!

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Yes this is the list cant wait to hopefully get a chance to watch it.

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