When can we have Dick Grayson back?

I hate Ric Grayson will a fiery passion the likes of which I thought had reserved for Spider-Man One More Day. I will suffer through Heroes in Crisis and any other madness Tom King has up his sleeve but just give us Nightwing back already. You already took Wally, Roy and let Bendis turn the ten year old Jon Kent we all knew and loved seventeen. I just want my favorite character back.


I realized that there was a typo after I posted it. My bad.

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Here Here Brother!!!


This is definitely a temporary situation. Dick will be back when this storyline resolves.




Sooner the better. Can’t stand the Ric storyline.


The hashtags for Dick will have a certain comedic value to them I reckon.


Ric is awesome.

It’s only been like 4 months. Dick will be back soon enough.


Out with the Ric and in with the Dick…lmao XD





No, nope. Uh uh. Not doing it.



Yea, I’m gonna follow Vroom’s example.



Yeah it’s kinda hard to petition for…


Yes we can and will. This is a storyline based change and not a tweak to the character as long as possible.

I have no doubt Dick will be back by the end the comic series and at most…reboot after Rebirth


@ Harleys Puddin Ric was already given a chance. It didn’t work then and it wont work now.


@BatJamags That’s hilarious! I agree! :joy_cat:

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same,i love him and i want him back


I wasn’t fond of the Ric/Dick storyline either, but I can see how it kind of gave us a bit of a psychological look into either Dick’s repressed emotions (and resentment seemed to be a huge one), or a view of what type of person Richard Grayson would have been if he hadn’t been raised by Bruce Wayne and Alfred. Let’s face it, Bruce/Batman has major issues. He’s so focused on “the mission” and everything that is related to it that he disregards nearly everyone in his life. He trained Dick to be Robin, but was it so Dick could receive the type of emotional closure that Bruce denied himself, or because he needed someone else to help him bring the bad guys (who are mental and emotional stand ins for the guy who shot his parents) to justice?

I think it was a little bit of both, which begs this question: is Bruce Wayne/Batman even capable of having relationships with other people who have nothing to do with “the mission”? I would love to say yes, he can because he has as many friends as he has dollar bills. But how close is Bruce Wayne to his friends, the ones who attend his dinner parties at the mansion or charity fundraising events? Bruce is always friendly and cordial in public, but that’s just another mask that he compels himself to wear. It seems that Alfred, Dick and sometimes Selina are the only ones who know anything deeper about him than that “millionaire playboy” persona. And Bruce controls how close they can get to him.

I’m not saying that Bruce Wayne/Batman is a bad person. He’s been wounded by the senseless deaths of his parents.

Back to Dick Grayson: I believe that Bruce loved, and still loves his adopted son as much as he could. And Dick, having lived in a warm, loving, extended family consisting of his parents and the rest of member of the circus, must’ve felt overwhelmed and emotionally abandoned by the stand-offish way life was conducted in Wayne Manor. It was certainly much better than growing up in orphanage, but there were downsides, too.

@Nightwingx4108 I might not be reading the story, but I know how you feel. The only consolation I can offer is that in this particular situation, there’s more of a chance that it’s been planned for Grayson to be back to normal soon enough. In comics, a lot of these things last about a year. Just pray it’s not like…some retcons I could name. [Brandishes machete while glaring angrily at “Batman & Robin Eternal”]

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I feel you brother. I hated ric grayson the second he was created. Dick grayson and Wally west. My two favorite characters. They killed wally for the SECOND TIME. Then shoot nightwing in the head? Ugh, I can’t wait for them to fix this mess.

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