What Would Make Injustice 3 Better T the First 2?

If DC made an Injustice 3 game, what characters, plot holes, storylines, abilities, etc. would make it better than the first 2 games.

I want the story to continue from Superman’s ending. A small resistance is fighting against Superman and his brainwashed forces. They find and reactivate Brother Eye to bring heroes form another dimension to help, but once Superman is defeated, Brother Eye takes over his brainwashed army.

I can’t think of what character would be fun to have. Maybe Clayface?

Funny because we got to see what happened after Superman’s ending in the “Injustice vs Masters of the Universe” comic. If considered an official part of the story, it kind of gave a pretty definitive ending. Personally I would like to see Superman die trying to redeem himself. Would make for a nice bookend to a trilogy. Had enough of evil Supes.

Funny because we got to see what happened after Superman’s ending in the “Injustice vs Masters of the Universe” comic. If considered an official part of the story, it kind of gave a pretty definitive ending. Personally I would like to see Superman die trying to redeem himself. Would make for a nice bookend to a trilogy. Had enough of evil Supes.

Sorry for the double post. Character I would like to see? Plastic Man could be fun.

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@abfgmsw But the crossover characters are fun

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Maybe a Superman redemption storyline to conclude the story

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@Abfgsmw The new Mortal Kombat game is going to have the Joker as a DLC character.

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I like a Superman story but not necessarily a redemption one. I feel like the last two where mainly Batman stories granted Superman does have more of presence in the second one he still cast as a villian. I think the story should be if Superman focused. As far as characters stick with those that have a meaning to the story and not a glorified cameo (looking at you joker). And as far as DLC goes let’s get some wildstorm and vertigo characters

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Loved Injustice 2. Probably at least 2 years away from I3. Would love to have different facial skins (Starfire has like 2, Wonder Woman has 1, all of Ivy’s are pretty much identical, etc…if hair or facial look could somehow be modified by the user. Also, how about some classic skins. Maybe asome Super Powers skins. Superfriend skins. All of Green Lanterns make him look like a guy in armor. How abouy adding a golden age Green Lanter. Or Kilowog, or Jessica Cruz. Multiversr play is pretty darn the best option. Some Legendary Gear was just ridiculous in terms of time commitments. The AI function was great. Player vs player could be tedious if you’re playing a zoner. Earning bonus loot boxes in the AI DEFENDERS and ATTACKING mode was cool, but what was the point of ranking here. It really lent itself to abuse by spammers who really have nothing else to do but play video games. Some of us have lives, work and families. I like getting 5 boxes for defending and attacking, but to end the abuse where someone is just farming your group would be nice. Instead of a REPLAY option to see how player 1 defeated my group 25 times in the course of an hour, how about a REMATCH option, not a REPLAY option. The three strongest characters in the game are Batman, Black Adam, and Poison Ivy. You can win with just those three characters against ANY combo. There should be the mathmatical possibility where GL can beat one of those 3, but he can’t. Or Swamp Thing. Bane. Atom. Harley. Etc…none can.