What Would Happen if DC and/or Warner Bros. Purchased the Rights to the Owl House?

So, as everyone knows by now, Disney is ran by jerks and they canned the Owl House, shortening the third season from 21 episodes to 3 specials and in retaliation, the show’s creator Dana Terrence quit Disney and took Disney’s ability to make anything TOH related with her.

However, Disney still owns the right, but there is a chance that Disney will sell the rights so my question is: What would happen if DC or Warner Bros. bought the rights to the series and allowed Dana Terrence to make any Owl House media she choses?


Then DC would officially win.



Thank you! First response and it’s just perfect!

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I mean, I do believe in 20-odd years Disney will finally wise up and come begging to Dana Terrace’s doorstep, saying she can do anything she wants with the franchise. I mean, because I would rather see The Owl House characters cross over with other Disney characters than DC ones (and because I’d like Disney to be less bad), I’d prefer them to wise up now, but realistically, the better scenario would be for DC to purchase the rights, win forever, start buying up Disney’s other IPs and then WB and Netflix become the two power players in the entertainment industry.


I agree.

How is it we can agree on this but not Doctor Who-related things?

I mean, would Luz be ruined if she didn’t like Amity at first and didn’t thing she was really changing for the better? NO.

I mean, It’d be heartbreak for Lumity fans, but still

(For all reading through the comments wondering what the hell I’m referring to: Match #6: John Constantine vs The Doctor! (DC vs. Doctor Who) - #9 by drewzirocks.3500 You’re welcome.)

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… Is this like… What, a description of how you think WB would have made things, or is this somehow related to the Doctor Who thing… ?


Kinda both. What I’m saying is one version of a character doesn’t have to be the same as the others. For example, would it have worked it Matt Smith’s Doctor was as serious as Peter Capaldi’s, or if David Tennent’s was an angry as Christopher Last-name-from-Hell’s?

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The Doctor changes. He grows. He sometimes gets worse and makes decisions that contradict the ones he’s made in the past. But I think of the Doctor like when you’re playing a videogame with multiple playable characters: Some characters have lines and idle animations that make them markedly different from and sometimes even opposite each other in many ways, but the same player is always in control of the general outcome of their actions.

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True, but in that analogy, the Doctor really fits something like a Telltale Game. Every version is different, therefore it is unlogical to hold each new Doctor to the standreds of the one that came before. After all, both Doctors before Jodie had issues, with Matt’s Eleventh Doctor being a bit sexist and Peter’s Twelfth having what is one of the worst season finales in the series post-revival.

Are we sure the idiot at Disney still has a job?


the one that got The Owl House canned

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Ah. Sadly, they still have a job.

That’s right. It’s basically “New driver, same car.” Each version of the Doctor from Will Hartnell to Jodie is different and they’d all make different choices. For example, while Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor couldn’t stomach the idea of killing all the Daleks in one fell swoop, Sir. John Hurt’s War Doctor had no such issue.

dc be like
giphy (7)
me if this happens i love democracy and i love the republic


Is that Adam Sandler pretending to be a gangster?


maybe :grin:


Specifically pretending to be a gambling-addicted jeweler. Uncut Gems is an amazing movie.


I’m not holding her to “the one that came before”, I’m holding her to “any of the ones that came before”.

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Of course they make different choices! But John Hurt was choosing to save his homeworld, not just whether to kill the Daleks. Additionally, he knew at least a few would survive, based on his first encounter with them near the end of time.

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