What show would you like to see created?

I would like a multiversity series that expands on live action adaptation of DCs multiverse. One that goes in and out of each earth with each episode or revolves around at least 2 or 3 for each season. It would be great to see how they adapt characters like captain carrot, aquagirl, Quantum Superman Captain Atom.

Also, a great idea for a spin off series of this would be dark multiverse - in which they can do a dark knights metal sort of thing and make it like a horror-thriller type series. Since every earth in dark multiverse will collapse at some point.

I would say that the idea be tabled for a later date seeing as he’s in the DCU, Teen Titan, Teen Titan GO!, and Doom Patrol, as well as most of the DCAU movies now

Yeah but I’m talking about a more serious version of him. The version from his comics. I don’t even like him in Doom Patrol. It’s like he was just thrown in and he doesn’t even fit with them. I want to see something along the lines of what Zac Snyder was doing with him.

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