What’s Your Opinion on Geoff John’s(+Other) Green Lantern Run?

So Geoff John’s Green lantern run was one of the first comics I read when I got dc infinite and holy ■■■■, I loved it. I’ll admit I was kind of bored at first but the more I stuck with it, the more it hit me and I feel in love with it.

First time I read it, I skipped over the other lantern runs(GLC and Emberal warriors) and I didn’t read the new 52 because I didn’t know that was part of his(Their) run.

Second time, I read all the other stuff along with it, while it was pain in the neck to get it all in order. It was worth.

So what’s yalls opinion on it?!

Edit: just want to say, my friends and I currently reading White knight, after that we’ll read Injustice, and then geoff johns green lantern(along side Berserk)



I love it. It’s what got me really into DC, and is the reason Hal Jordan is pretty much my favorite superhero.


I read it recently. Being both a Green Lantern fan, and a Johns fan I knew I would like it.

Unfortunately I mostly read it on my phone, at my lunch hours, and that made it a nightmare doing the crossovers, and I am not too big on those anyway. My bottom story would be the Star Saphire one with Cowgirl. It just confused me.

I really did love his Hal, and I saw how much it inspired TAS. My favorite side character was Guy.

My favorite storylines, were Wrath of the First Lantern, Agent Orange, Secret Origins, and Rebirth. Mostly it was the smaller stories I preferred to the big events.


Did you read it before or after injustice?

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Did you also read Green lantern corp, emberal warriors, new guardians, and red lanterns? Or just Green lantern?( they’re not written by geoff John’s but they do go with the story)

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With some exceptions just Johns’s series. I do have interest in Emerald Warriors.


I recommend it, there are some important moments that happened and it made me really like Guy.

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I always really like Guy.


Ohhhh, have you checked Brightest day green lantern corp? That had my personal favorite part of the Brighest day storyline.

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I really liked the Green Lantern Rebirth and the first year of the regular title that followed…But after a while I got the comic book equivalent of Roller Coaster fatigue. Big Event after Big event crossover after crossover…
I Mean, didn’t anyone ever do one-offs anymore?!?


So you didn’t enjoy the later arcs?(Sinestro corp, Blackest night, Brightest day ect.)

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The stories themselves were fine but the fact that they were just constantly bombarding us witH one EVENT after the other just wore me out.
Keep in mind, when I was really diving into DCs superhero titles, it was post COIE, so events were relegated to the summer and the various titles’ annuals.
Armageddon 2001
Eclipse: The Darkness Within
Bloodlines, etc… the books would stop. Tell their part of the event/crossover then go back to day to day adventures even when the event or crossover was limited to their own family of titles.


Oh I see what you mean, yeah it did felt like when I read Brightest day, I was like “Didn’t we just do a big event?” Then after Brightest day it was War of the green lanterns

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I honestly felt that the GLC book was stronger than the main.


Before, I think. For a while the only DC books I read regularly were Green Lantern titles, which is because of how much I liked Johns’ run.


At times it did felt that way, for me specifically were the Brightest day stories for GLC.

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His run was what initially got me to revisit comics and i loved it around Sinestro Corp war, i think it fell off at the end and as much as i anticipated Blackest Night, i didn’t really like it


I absolutely love Geoff Johns’ run on Green Lantern! I bought every issue as they came out, and eagerly devoured them many times over.

When Johns was on Green Lantern, it was absolutely one of DC’s top three ongoings in terms of entertainment value. It remains among the very best in DC’s modern history.


Wish I could experience like that, I remember I just read rebirth randomly here on DCU. It was my first green lantern book so wasn’t sure what I was expecting but HOLY ■■■■■■ ■■■■ I REALLY FEEL IN LOVED WITH IT. I CAN’T WAIT TO SHARE GL BY GEOFF JOHNS WITH MY FRIENDS


I hope your pals will enjoy Johns’ GL work as much as you have.

If they do, periodically introduce them to his work on Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E., JSA, Superman volume two, The Flash, Teen Titans and his work on the New 52 volumes of Justice League, Aquaman and Superman, among his mini-series and one-off tales.

If they don’t like Johns’ Green Lantern, then get new friends. Kidding, of course. :slight_smile: