What Makes a Good Batman Story?

Following up with the beginning of Friday, April 10th’s DC Daily episode: What makes for a good Batman story for you?

There are so many aspects that factor in for me. One thing that makes a Batman story so memorable for me is when they show Batman displaying true detective work. When he’s actually investigating and trying to uncover clues, that’s Batman for me right there. That’s why I love the current run of The Batman’s Grave so much.

Let me know what makes for a good story with the world’s greatest detective for you!


obviously parent murder origin


Action, some espionage and Robin


Stays true to the characters, pushes the mythology forward, tells an epic yet grounded story.


I think what I look for the most in a good Batman story is the right mix of dark grittiness and fun lightheartedness. A good example that comes to mind is “The Cult”. The whole story is really messed up, but then you get Robin in there, and his quippy attitude really balances it all out. Or “Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader”, where you’re reading all these stories about ways that Batman dies, but you’re rewarded with fun Easter eggs and little nods to continuity that really don’t make any sense.

When it comes down to it, I feel like that’s what matters most in a good Batman story. In fact, I would say that the details of the actual plot (Gotham setting vs. anywhere else, mystery vs. action/adventure, large Bat family vs. small Bat family) are really inconsequential so long as the blend of dark and light still works.


Something that makes him question his mission, a tragedy of sorts. All of the best batman stories have him questioning his mission or is a tragedy because of it.


Using his brains over his brawn.
More detective/deductive elements.
Compulsive, intelligent villains, like Riddler.
Single issue or 2-4 issue story arcs…max.
No Robin.
Always an Alfred sarcastic remark(s) or dry whit.
The occasional whimsical, absurd, camp Batman story. (He dresses like a bat, that in an of itself has humorous, absurdism at its core.)


It’s so hard to miss on a Batman story for me personally. The rogues gallery is incredible. Including my #1 all time favorite villain the Joker. I love that you can read a Batman story that’s only Batman or Bruce Wayne. His character has the power to carry a comic solo. That’s said, the Bat fam, villains, reoccurring characters i.e. Vicki Vale, Silver St. Cloud etc. are always more then welcome. I wouldn’t have my 2nd favorite character, if not for Batman & that’s a tiny piece in the corner of how influential his characters comics are.


Batman showing that even a human can die what needs to be done. Whether he is alone or with an ally he shows that humanity is a weakness. He can overcome the darkness and sometimes ( or most of the time) get dragged down into it. But can pull himself out of it (again alone or with help). If bats does stuff like that than it good by me.


For me the best Batman stories are the ones that really portray Gotham as its own sort of character. It’s never as easy as Batman vs. [insert villain] in Gotham. Batman has allies. and there’s many villains that end up working together, and fighting each other over something. Complex, intertwining storylines between many characters that portray Gotham as the crime-ridden city it is.

Also the best Batman stories are the ones that go to dark places and make you think about what’s truly right or wrong, along with whether the end ever justifies the means.

I think Batman stories do the best job at showing how sometimes you only have 2 options, both of which are bad. But you still have to make a choice. The dichotomy between Batman and Joker makes almost any story involving the two of them a story worth reading/watching.


For me the makings of a good Batman story always begin with a mystery that taxes the mental acumen of “The World’s Greatest Detective”. Naturally, there’s a good sampling of action, derring-do, and white-knuckle escapes. The tech is sparse, with a Batmobile, utility belt and bat-rope performing admirably in the field. And–most importantly–the invaluable sage assistance of Alfred. Everything else is drek.

  • Death traps
  • Child endangerment
  • Actual sleuthing
  • Death traps
  • Bad one-liners
  • Mild moralizing
  • Death traps

So I was just going to say “Batman” as a joke but then I thought about it and I realized that it’s kind of true. I mean Batman has changed so much over the past 80 years that there are great storylines that have nothing to do with other storylines except for well, Batman. You of course have the dark gritty detective stories like Jeph Loeb’s works, the action packed stories like Dark Knight Returns, the deep character dives like Killing Joke, and of course all of the Elseworlds stories. But also there’s the Golden Age stories that are campy and goofy but still great and the inspiration for so much of the best Batman media like Brave and The Bold and the '66 series. Everyone has their own Batman and that’s what makes him great, there’s an iteration for everyone and then there’s those of us that just love him in everything. So yeah, Batman is what makes Batman great… also Kite Man, Hell Yeah.


Oh and you forgot death traps