What is your Superhero name?

Agila, which is the Tagalog word for eagle.

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Prince Princess of the magical kingdom of rainbows and unicorns. :wink:


Lazy Lad…the less I do, the more gets accomplished.


The Immortal Gibbs - because my love abd support for this platform is undying!!!

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“One punch!”


But really though, my superhero name is obviously RunfromDanger Man.
It is a shout out to all of those unsung heroes that would get the credit they deserve if they only had a better name.
I mean, I’m sure we can agree there are more heroes than there should be that have the skills or power to get it done, but are not taken seriously by others only because of their name.
So my name is RunfromDanger Man because I am out to prove that you can be an awesome hero and have a stupid name at the same time.