What DC VIDEO Game Would You Create?

Role Playing Games (RPGs) are my all time favorite type, cause the player immerse themselves into the character. Although, we do have the Injustice games, they don’t have puzzle, linear open world, and “which way” feel that RPGs have. My suggestion, a RPG storyline of how the Justice League came together, where the player would be each of the seven characters in JL and have to solve the mysteries in their city, fight foe after foe (even mysterious vigilantes, mercenaries and murderers) to their eventual meeting of members of the Justice League. And leave the end of the game as the League is fighting their biggest foe yet.


I’d like a half real-time half turn-based RPG Young Justice Game. Kinda like how FF7 Remake did it or Resonance of Fate. Young Justice in itself seems like a video game where they basically have a ‘hub’ for new missions. And for the main villains the H.I.V.E.


i would make a Young Justice meets Kingdom Hearts


Dating sim :pleading_face:


I would do something similar to what Telltale did with Batman, however add WITCHER 3 like maps and locations.


dc villians and the disney villians team up to rule the worlds


like how huh


have scripted scene where you press A B or C to say this, this, or this. and those choice influence what our objectives are and how the story unfolds. However, give the player a massive open world instead of a linear straight path.


I want a game about being a villain during an Arkham breakout. You could form alliances with other big baddies and assemble/recruit your own legion of henchmen with it all ending in a toe-to-toe battle against Batman.



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I would want a game like destiny but with dc villains and heroes and you can make your own hero.


I wouldn’t mind a cool little rhythm game made up of DC music from animation and live action.


Sounds cool

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Blackest Night or Dceased apapted into a game,… Superheroes and Zombies!..:exploding_head::joy:


RPG mass effect style green lantern game. Or a naughty dog style Deathstroke.


I would like a Titans game and Another DCUO with better graphics


I would do an assassins creed style game with either deathstroke or deadshot


I would love to do a new game similar to DC Universe Online. Create your own character, immerse yourself into the world, etc. DCUO had a good run but with the whole combat rating, raids, and all it definitely gave the game an expiration date. The game is no longer new-player friendly. After you complete the classic game you have to pay just to be on the same level as other player and play what they play leaving most of the content they’ve put out unplayable because nobody plays it.
I would love to expand on it. The game needs a totally new engine. Like on top of better graphics and animation I wanna be able to use my powers as weapons like if I have fire powers I wanna be able to be fight using my powers rather than having to use a weapon. Free flow combat, using the environment as weapons like Arkham Knight. I wanna be able to see my character in cut scenes. Maybe make choices that change how the story progresses. And make it so no content is stuck behind what other players are playing, like if you can’t find enough players then the group is filled with AI characters. And the story would make sense. Like if the story’s gonna be about Brainiac bottling cities to regain his exabytes then why is it that the only times you go up against him are the beginning, and like 2 alerts??? On top of that, we should be able to see how it affects every city in the world rather than just Gotham and Metropolis.


I want a tellate like game where it adapts crisis on infinite earths

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I would like a shooter type green lantern game and make the zombie mode dcesased

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