What Black Characters in DC Comics Made an Impact on You?

Steel was and is one of the coolest Black characters in comics ever. Now I haven’t read the whole series but his comics that I have read including the JLA ; he was a character with a passion and purpose that made him one of the more realistic characters in comics I have ever read. So my question to you what black character in comics that made an impact on you? Let me know what you think @Kon-El @SuperBlueGrodd @Vroom


Love Steel. John Stewart was important to me as a kid. He was my introduction to GL.


When getting into DC, John Stewart was one of my favorites and helped me get more into DC.


It’s pretty bad when my mind goes to a dozen Marvel characters before it ever hits on a DC character. I considered cheating and saying Worf (who appeared in DC’s Star Trek comics) or the 1989 cinematic Harvey Dent. But I guess I’d have to go with Steel. His stories offered the most narrative variety during the Reign of the Supermen. I like Black Lightning as well.


For a long time I thought John Stewart was the only Green Lantern, thanks to the Justice League and JLU animated shows. I still like him better than Hal. I’m a Cyborg fan as well, thanks to the Teen Titans animated show. Those shows are what eventually got me into comics so I’m super grateful to them. Oh, Static too! Static is definitely on my list.


Put me down as another vote for John Stewart. :slight_smile:


From the comics: Lucius Fox.

Outside the comics: Billy Dee Williams’ Harvey Dent, along with Lucius Fox as seen on BTAS.

Proof positive that not all characters of positive impact have to wear tights.