What Animal Would Your Favorite Character Be?

I guess I’m going with that too


the joker is a cat for sure…:joy::joy:




Gone, gone, form of pup
Rise the demon


Cyborg. a dog. Husky.

Bane. Grizzly Bear.

Jonah Hex. Mountain Lion or Rattle Snake.

Hawkman… a … a… a…

A BIRD?.. Raptor. Bald Eagle.

Robot Man. Gorilla.



No, I think Bruce would be a cat image
I mean, when you think about it, he acts just like a cat. Also, batcat is hilarious.


Jonah hex would be a rattle snake. It would play into his scariness, and his reflexes. for mountain lion, maybe arsenal could pull it off.


I think Babs could be a chihuahua

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Mmm, no

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Kara is a shelter puppy.
Abandoned at an orphanage by the one who should have protected her.
In the hands of a good owner she will fly and become a Lassie, saving people in need embracing the values of hope, help and compassion for all.
Once every so often a bad owner comes along and abuses her and turns her feral in which case she might even hurt children.
If she doesn’t perform well enough she is put down.
Take good care of Kara.


I mean, looks small and helpless and has a nasty bite, outgoing and talkative, cute, etc. I feel like my analogy works.

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Okay this seems fun already, but I’m going to add some extra challenges for myself. Challenge 1: No obvious answers. (Ex: Batman = bat) Challenge 2: No dogs or house cats. Challenge 3: I’m picking these based on how they represent the character of the hero, not their appearance. Cool, so I’ll start with my favorites and kinda just go from there, depending on what comes to mind.

Hawkgirl: Wolf. Hear me out: she’s traditionally been depicted as the fiercer, more battle ready of the hawks. But, at her core, she is loyal above all else. She usually functions in a group, but can do just as well in a ‘lone wolf’ act. The animated JL series proved she is still a great character without Hawkman.

Hawkman: Hawkowl. And before you say it, the ‘hawk’ part is pure coincidence. It’s a type of owl. I chose this bird because they have a relatively fearless curiosity; they like to follow people around when on a hike. Karter is an architect, someone who likes to explore. He’s also got a gentler, friendlier side along with the regal exterior. The hawkowl is like that.

Martian Manhunter: Boomslang. This snake is exotic, beautiful, and among the most venomous in the world. But it’s personality is so reluctant to bite that there are only 8 recorded deaths by this snake. Snake experts will handle them with ease because the are so docile. I feel like this strongly represents J’onn J’onzz; immensely powerful but a gentle soul who only uses his power out of necessity.

Miss. Martian: Ocelot. These cats are typically very shy and seclusive, preferring to stay away from the spotlight. But at the same time, the can be extremely friendly and sweet under the right conditions. There’s a video on YouTube of a man who came across a wild ocelot juvenile who acted like a total house kitten.

Flash (Wally West): Hummingbird. Talk about an underestimated and an unappreciated animal. This little things are clever and can be fierce. But the main reason I chose this is because they are very bright and colorful, bringing in a good atmosphere. Wally has always been the optimistic person amidst a relatively dark universe. And yeah, the speed thing is an extra bonus.

Oracle: Grayjay. They don’t look like much, but they are highly intelligent. I went with this because if one gray jay spots a feast, it’ll signal the other jays. They can also figure out that a cat behind a window can’t hurt them and so will continue their business, much to my cat’s annoyance. (And probably a lot of villains.)

Zatanna: Snow Leopard. Elusive, graceful, and awe-inspiring. These ghost cats are amazing to the point that people will deem them magical. Everyone loves Zatanna, and I’m pretty sure everyone likes these cats. Also, freaking hunting on the sides of mountains seems about as difficult as talking backwards. It’s not something just anybody can do.

Wonder Woman: Caribou. It’s not the big bucks that lead the heard, it’s the elder female, also known as the matriarch. She warns of danger, decides were to eat, where to rest, and when to move. The females have antlers and they’ll keep them over winter if they are pregnant.

Batman: Lion. During the day, he’s the lazy, easygoing playboy basking in the sun. But when something threatens his pride and the cubs, he’s suddenly ferocious and imposing. He commands everyone’s respect and can best all manner of beasts. And, lets be honest, Batman has had a plethora of female love interests.

Guy Gardner: Ground Squirrel. (Quick confession, I only know him as he is portrayed in Young Justice.) These things are obnoxiously loud and think they are way more impressive than they actually are, to the point that it’s hilarious. They can also be cute and friendly, but mostly just annoying.

Superman: Polar Bear. Earth’s largest predatory powerhouse, but they are facing extinction. And as ‘kill you with one swing’ strong they are, they are really just big lovable teddy bears.

(Bonus) Poision Ivy: Poision Dart Frog. Trust me, the kiss will NOT result in a happily ever after.

That’s all I’ve got for now, but I’m open to the challenge of finding the match for specific characters should anyone request it.

Till Next Time,