WATCH-ALONG! Harley Quinn S2, E7 Watch-Along! FRIDAY, MAY 15th @6PM PST/9PM EST

WATCH-ALONG! Harley Quinn S2, E7 Watch-Along! FRIDAY, MAY 15th @6PM PST/9PM EST

We were back in action last week with our two favorite BFFs taking a stroll down memory lane to figure out if Joker really and truly had turned into a “normie”. Turns out, it “looks” like he has.

We left off on a baby cliffhanger with Two-Face’s goons capturing Harley and Ivy as they walk out of the bar.

This week we’ll find out exactly what Two-Face has in store for our lovely leading ladies and we get more Bane! Lots and lots of Bane! While lots of Bane is always good news (I mean who doesn’t love this version of Bane), what’s gonna happen with Two-Face and Harls and Iv?

Gotta watch to find out!

Please read on below to prepare yourself for how this works:

:white_check_mark:THE DEETS​:white_check_mark:

Who: You, silly!

What: Harley Quinn Season 2, Episode 7

Where : Right here on the forums! In this thread! In the comments below! Maybe on your phone! But also, you’ll be watching Harley Quinn on a big screen. So there, too.

When: Friday, May 15th, at 6p PST/9p EST

Why: Because the community that geeks out together, stays together.

How: Great question- read below!

  1. CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T PLAY – You must have a subscription to DC Universe to access Harley Quinn.

  2. DUAL-WIELDING – Watch-Alongs are best experienced on two devices; Your phone for comments, and your big screen for viewing.

  3. 2, 1 LET’S JAM – Have your clicking finger on the “play” button and ready for action- we’ll be starting at the stroke of the hour.

  4. A WRINKLE IN TIME – If you get lost in the time, you can calculate where the audience is by checking the minute- For example, if it’s 6:15 pm PST, then we are 15 minutes into the show. Or, just check with us in the comments and we’ll happily let you know what we’re watching.

We’re so excited to hang out in the proverbial living room with you all and watch the events of these character-studded shows unfold!


Wooooo! Bring it On! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Me some HQ TAS WOOOOOOO! WOOOO! Is it Time Yet? Just kidding - I set a reminder! (neat feature by the way) I hope work doesn’t impede my ability to be here front & center for the Show this Friday! Woooooo! Did I mention I was excited yet? WOOOO! Oh Yeah!


There’s a new sheriff in town, and his name is Bane!:grinning:




:banehappyhqtas:Oh No! Bane freaks me out. :harley_eyebrowhqtas:I do think the HQ TAS Bane is helping ease my :kiteman2_hqtas: flight response to seeing him, :poison_unamusedhqtas: now I just cry a little instead… :banehappyhqtas:


Seeing what little respect he gets, I’m certain the big guy is crying on the inside himself a little bit. :sob: :sob: :sob:


I’m looking at a picture for next week episode, it look like Harley Quinn is the next 'Thor!':open_mouth:
See you guys tonight for the watch along in 12 hours. :grinning:


Why is there no reaction thread for S2E7?!?


That’s what I was just looking 4??? Don’t want to spoil here…don’t see one anywhere tho?

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Same. This is a gay day and deserves the freaking out from this and she-ra


Could start one but I’m afraid they’ll post one soon as we do

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Eh might as well do it and then jump to that one if it begins


You gonna do it & tag me or u want me 2?

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U wanna just start one with me & @beeaggro?


go for it!! this deserves a thread lol so many feels


I’m down!


here for it!

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I feel like I should know this but I don’t lol

Does anyone know if they release a synopsis for the next episode to air?

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Sorry everybody, I’ve got arrested by sheriff Bane and won’t be able to join the watch along, so I don’t have a TV available for now…
:banehappyhqtas: :All right Reaganfan78, that’s enough, off you go!
What did I do?!
:banehappyhqtas: Taking you to Stargirl watch along where you belong!

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A little over 30 minutes away! I’m pretty excited for the episode!