Warner Bros Discovery Exploring Overhaul of DC Entertainment

This is interesting but hey I’m up for whatever at this point with the films. Just gonna wait and see what comes out and enjoy.

But this has me more exited


YES. :raised_hands:


I wonder if the greenlighting of the Wonder Woman project had anything to do with Discovery?


The movies are the biggest focal point. If any relaunch of the DCEU were to occur (and it could use one to some degree), I’d like to see it roll out as follows:

Start with:

Justice League: Rebirth.

The next Justice League movie would be the starting point for the relaunch, which is not the same as a reboot, to be clear.

A reboot is an entirely new starting point, different and completely seperate from what came prior, like The New 52.

Meanwhile, a relaunch is a new starting point within an existing framework, like Rebirth. The existing DCEU continuity at the time of JLR’s release would remain fully intact as the relaunch gradually unfolds.

Recast Superman, Batman and Cyborg (jury’s still out on Miller), while adding in Momoa’s Aquaman, GG WW, Zachary Levi’s Shazam and Black Adam, along with a Green Lantern or two (Simon and Jess, please). We get a mix of fresh faces playing established characters, established favorites playing their beloved roles and a couple new characters (did I mention Simon and Jess? Because, do it, Warner Brothers Pictures).

This works, as it gets the brand-new cinematic Justice League ingrained into the consciousness of not only the fans, but also the general moviegoing public, as they’ll get to see the new faces of the new DCEU all together in one big adventure.

This movie would then also set up plot points that would evolve in each character’s subsequent solo outings. Except for Batman, as the DCEU version would likely stay confined to the JL franchise, since PattBat has dibs on the solo adventures right now. But…Batman can still have future plot points too, just in future JL movies.

Now, as long as the chemistry between the cast playing the League works and the director, cast outside the League and everything else associated with the movie clicks, then Justice League: Rebirth should be a movie that is tantamount to a license to print money and easily gross 1B or more at the box office.

What comes immediately after:

The next Superman movie.

Given how there’s mention of Superman languishing, when he should be the box-office titan above all other DC heroes, its clear the new PTB want to reinvigorate The Man of Steel.

A Superman movie is the next logical step to extend the relaunched DCEU by. He’s #1 for a reason, therefore he should be the #1 priority for solo movies after the DCEU’s #1 team is back on-track.

Ideally, new Justice League and Superman movies would come out every two years. This keeps the #1 team and character relevant, while audiences are enjoying the solo adventures of the other League members (sans Batman, for reasons mentioned above) in-between League and Superman movies.

What it all builds to:

Why build towards anything? Just make good movies that fans and non-comic nerds will flock to. Like…duh. :nerd_face:

If we have to have some ultimate building point however, The Darkseid War would absolutely suffice.

It would give the DCEU Darkseid a chance to shine in a lead role, as well as introduce the Anti-Monitor, who would most definitely get use in other movies (think of a Green Lantern movie with him as the heavy, along with a live-action version of GLTAS’ Aya; oh yes, that would be awesome).

Additionally, a Darkseid War movie would introduce Grail and Myrina Black, who would both go on to become pivotal characters in Wonder Woman’s future solo outings in the post-DW landscape.

Furthermore, a DW movie would also introduce the New Gods, who could then be set up as the next big team(ish) franchise in the newly-relaunched DCEU.

A relaunched DCEU that starts with Justice League: Rebirth, moves into solo adventures for Superman and the other League members, then has a Chapter 1 culmination with The Darkseid War would very likely be a giant box-office success, a fan-favorite and serve to consecutively keep DC’s biggest and best heroes on the big screen for at least the next decade.


Is this bad news or good?


All very good thoughts.

But the only thing I want is Stephanie Brown! From the comics! In the movies! Being awesome!


Please oh god no. Don’t let The Rock hijack another franchise!


The MCU-like DC movies are the most well received ones and the ones that don’t particularly mesh well with me because it just feels like a reskin.


The most MCU like live-action DC movies are Batman V. Superman and Justice League. Neither of which were well received.


Wait whaaaaat? You’re joking right? Aquaman, Shazham, The Suicide Squad, and Birds of Prey were very MCU-Like. Justice League as well but as you said it wasn’t received well. But BvS? Really?


Well, the person that leaked could lose their job if found out

So, chances are they have a DC Feige?



Have you read BoP?




Harley never had anything to do with the group’s formation and Montoya wasn’t in it. Group was formed by a post-Killing Joke and post-No Man’s Land Barbara Gordon


So it isn’t very accurate? All I know is it reminded me of Ant-man and Guardians of The Galaxy. When those movies came out, that was when I started noticing a pattern developing with the MCU movies. Civil War kind of solidified it. The comic relief is just too much for me and the entire second half on the MCU is built on an almost formulaic comic relief that comes first before anything else. DC managed to squeeze out some well received movies doing the same thing. It also seems to be a meta because I’ve seen it in netflix movies and shows too.


Because its going on half a decade since Henry Cavill last played Superman.

As far as franchise lifespans in Hollywood go, that’s a long time to go for someone to not play a character.

I liked Cavill just fine (he’s second only to Reeve as my fav LA movie Superman), but again…its been going on 5 years since he last suited up.

I think he’s ready to move on, as are audiences.

Recast the role with the right person, and it will re-energize the character for the DCEU franchise, as it reinvigorates the audience’s interest in the big screen adventures of Superman, not only with the Justice League and whichever other franchises he shows up in, but for his solo outings as well.


slides over a tray of brownies that have black and purple, along with a touch of yellow, frosting on them

Introducing Stephanie Brown Brownies™. The perfect snack to nibble upon while watching her in a JL movie alongside Batman.


Or just bring Cavill back


I think they need to bolster the writing quality of the animated movies and quit letting the animated movies scoop what the live action movies are going to do in the next three years (give them a more limited sandbox to play in, and up the creative expectations).

Keep at least a couple shows going on CW for the broader audience that will never subscribe to HBO Max. HBO Max needs at least a couple traditional TV shows that run 15 or more episodes per year, but it doesn’t really need a half dozen of them.

Remembering that only six years ago, it was unknown whether people would buy tickets to any characters besides Batman or Superman, they should continue to seek opportunities to introduce additional characters in prominent projects that they don’t necessarily headline. Non-costumed characters from DC’s distant past (like Sandra of the Secret Service) could be shows that appeal to a broad audience


I think this is a good idea. DC has been around in some form for 88 years now. They have published a whole lot of different characters, many of them not costumed characters. They could do a Western (Jonah Hex), a spy show (King Faraday), teen comedy (Leave It to Binky), or any number of other shows with nary a costume in sight.