Voting thread for DC Universe book club! 9/21

Hey DC Universe community!

There seems to be interest in a weekly Book Club like discussion for Books offered on DC Universe. Discussions will take place on Friday and voting will take place on Sunday each week. To vote simply post a comment on this thread with the specific issues you want to read and discuss as a community. If the title has already been posted just hit the thumbs up on the comment. No need to have the same title posted twice.

Please only recommend things that are offered on the service. Also keep recommendations 12 issues or under.

I’ll tally the votes and announce the book Monday afternoon (EST)

Also feel free to post any questions comments or concerns here as well.


I vote for Action Comics 866-870, the Geoff Johns Braniac arc.


I agree with Jay.period

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Court of owls .

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Last I checked, Court of Owls wasn’t on here. Just Batman #1. I gave my Thumbs to Jay.Period. It’s a run I haven’t read, so I’m game for really anything!

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Is there another site we could use for this? I find it very difficult to find specific things such as this page. With a more established chat room we could look at each others profiles and have more private conversations. Opinions on this would be nice. I was thinking reddit or Facebook groups.

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Green arrow 1987, issues 1-6

Green arrow 1987, issues 1-6

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All-Star Superman, assuming the whole run shows up for everyone. It’s letting me view all 12 issues, but I’ve seen a few comments claiming it’s only #1 on the service.

Though I’d be totally down for Brainiac, too. I’ve never read it, just watched that animated movie.

THE JOKER (1975-) #1, I would love to do a series run and discuss that with people. :slight_smile:

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I vote for Vixen: Return of the Lion. It’s only 5 issues. Also, @HolyDiver, I think a Discord would be a good option as well.


I’m not sure how discord works but if you make one and tell us how to get there i would be down

I have made a Facebook page by the way. DC universe Reading Club is what it’s called! Feel free to join!


I made a discord for a reading club that link should work

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Voting ends at 8 PM EST! The book will be announced shortly thereafter.

While I’m here let me address a couple things

As much as I would love to re read Court of Owls and discuss it with you lovely people only the first issue is available here, so it doesn’t qualify.

In regards to Facebook and Discord, I’m more interested in fostering discussion here on DC Universe. With that being said I understand that there are quite a few bugs here so I totally understand if some of you want to take the discussion elsewhere.

Im super excited to get some great discussion going. I’ll continue to put this together as long as there is interest.


The issue with having the conversation here is that there is no way to track threads. You have to dig through all the more recently replied to threads to get to the one that you commented on just to see if there has been a reply. Wouldn’t call that a bug, just a missing feature.

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