VOTING CLOSED! Your Complete Guide to DC's 2021 Round Robin Brackets

JLQ will be in DC pride. Good move, DC


Hadn’t seen that, that’s pretty awesome, for everyone, who was hoping for it…


YES!!! I KNEW it! This was my strategy all along! Robins would’ve been lost forever, but NOW WE GET BOTH! :00_dc_pride: :00_robin:


In the immortal words of Ruffnut Thorston, “Well, you could, but… Who would want to?”


Well, I don’t know if they were planning this all along, but either way, they’re doing the right thing now.


Given the number of time-travelers we have here, some of the younger characters could be as their two-or-three-years-older selves.


Yeah, no, I have a hard time believing that this was on the cards automatically. I think the response and demand for the story was way more than they were expecting.


One idea that I had is, maybe JLQ vs. Robins was in the first round because they thought that they could do a tournament between the ones that lost the first round, but you’re probably right, I’m probably just trying to justify their obviously stupid idea to put it in here instead of just greenlight it.


Is this for real?? :astonished: :purple_heart:


I disagree. That’s annoying, but this website is only available in North America, I think.


I didn’t mean exclusively on here. I just meant on here in general and it is now.


Oh, that is a good idea, they should have done that!



This is a really interesting idea to gauge fan reaction, but I think launching it with a mix of high profile and low profile is a bit of a mistake as I have no doubt ‘Robins’ will win (which I am perfectly fine with and did vote for) but it would nice to just have more things like Animal Man or Jesse Quick compared to Green Lanterns as it is always uncertain when you will see those characters again. I wouldn’t mind seeing more events like this, maybe the next one could even tie into fandome since that is coming back this year.

I do hope we get to see more than just one of these stories done as quite of a few of them I am interested in, I am certainly sad to see Zatanna fall as well. I would have liked to see her back in the classic outfit again even if ‘magic user loses their magic’ is pretty overplayed as a story.


Hey @NoPlan_For_TimDrake, welcome to the community! You bring up some interesting points and if you haven’t already, I’d recommend you check out this Q&A with the Publishing Staff behind the Round Robin brackets. There is truly a lot of passion put behind each pitch and I’m sure if they could, they’d release all of these and more as soon as possible! I’m personally crossing my fingers that we’ll be able to run more events like this in the future and just because a title doesn’t win doesn’t mean something won’t come out of it. :crossed_fingers:

I think a lot of us were sad to see Zatanna get dropped but Green Lanterns put up a mighty fight. Personally, I was rooting for Paws Off, but ah well. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Please let the moderator team know if you happen to need anything, and again, welcome!


Green Lanterns: Underworld on Fire and Blue Beetle: Graduation Day


@Nebulas52 Welcome to our community :slight_smile: Those are good pics! Personally, I need more of Jaime, so I’m hoping something happens with that one!


Well, I’m starting to get excited to see the one page previews on Wednesday!


Alright, bear with me, this won’t be relevant until the end… Also, SPOILERS for RECENT STAR WARS STORYLINES!!!

So, I had thought that Omega, the clone, was just an altered clone of Jango Fett, and Star Wars was going to have its first case where a character being transgender (sort of) is an actual part of the story, but then I realized: HOLY POODOO, SHE’S TOTALLY A CLONE OF AVAR KRISS, I mean… JUST LOOK AT THEIR MAIN PICTURES ON WOOKIEEPEDIA!!! And now it’s hard to say which one I want more, and I felt like I had to choose between Robins and JLQ all over again…


I have been asking for a Robins based book for years. I can not overstate how much I want this book. I adore Seeley as a writer and I think he has a great voice for Damian and Dick and would love to see him write Steph, Jason, and Tim as well.

There were some really great other titles suggested here and it does make me feel sad choosing a book that I desire so greatly at the expense of other truly interesting titles but I really think all of these should have their shot in the sun.

DC should really embrace the manga-esqe Shonen Jump style compilations. Bring four (or so) of these stories together and release them in one big magazine style release every month. Each issue would have four stories in it and you can have multiple variant covers based on each internal story that way fans of a particular run can get the cover that they want.

That being said I’m going ALL IN on my Robins book, I need this to be a reality.