:0_round_robin: VOTING CLOSED! Round Robin: Round III :0_round_robin:

I desperately want Robins to win tbh. I love them all and it would be so great to see them interacting together more


Iā€™m not gonna lie, I LOVE the idea of Robins. What I donā€™t like is the fact that itā€™s in this tournament. There were so many AMAZING pitches that I feel had great potential, but everyone chose Robins over them. In my opinion, although Iā€™d love to see Robins, I think this tournament should be to shed light on new ideas rather than reuse old well-known characters.


If Robins wins, I wonā€™t be mad that it won, but Iā€™d be upset that the others lost.


As long as you can understand that those of us who voted for Robins will generally feel the same way.


Clearly the best thing one can vote for, 'natch. :+1:t2:


Come to think of it, Amanda Waller could work behind the scenes to outsmart Blue Beetle. Supplying anti-Beetle weaponry to the squad, using an EMP to hamper Jaime Reyesā€™s suit, etc.

Iā€™ll change to SS7


I feel like Green Lanterns have so much wasted potential sometimes. Not a criticism of the stories we do get but there could be so much more explored on top of that. Thousands of lanterns and sectors that the earth lanterns could venture out to and interact with and we get the same formula with Oa blowing up and losing all chances of getting to see some really cool stories unfold. Just not my cup of tea anymore. Iā€™d love to see some lanterns venturing out and getting cool stories in new places, even if its old enemies. I do think the comics are a little to over saturated with bat stuff now too (deservedly so, theyā€™re popular and have a lot to offer, but definitely overshadow other comics).


Green Lantern!


So I noticed that a new picture on the dc comics Instagram can get 60k likes in 1 hour. Iā€™m gonna track that to see if I can determine the average amount in 24 hours .


I want to see robins win. Itā€™s not because Iā€™ve got anything against the others, I just want to see a storyline with all of the robins in one place, having a chat.


I want the Suicide Squad to win it all! I like Kyle Rayner and Robins, I voted for the Green Lantern book even if they plan to kill Kyle Rayner. :cry:


I mean, Far Sector is EXACTLY what youā€™re describing.


I love the idea of Robins, but not the creative team behind this one. Iā€™m not a fan of how Seeley has previously written Dick Grayson, and his voice for Tim in the short snippet did the opposite of convince me that he understands the characters heā€™s working with.
Iā€™m also not particularly a fan of the art style. Nothing wrong with it, to be clear, just not what I necessarily want to look at.


I canā€™t say I care about any of the remaining titles at this point. But im going to vote for Green Lantern in an effort to protest the constant flood of Bat books.

When a plethora of unique and interesting ideas featuring characters that have not had their own books in years or even decades, why would people put their support behind yet another Batbook? What does this title offer that is particularly unique?
Seeley is a good writer, but hes already written over a hundred issues in the Batman side of things. We have seen his depictions of most of the Robins.

This is the one unique chance we are getting to push a book DC would quite probably cast aside because its seen as to much of a risk, and instead the community is pushing for a Batbook which lets be honest, DC probably would have published regardless of this contests existence.

If Robin wins it sends the message that the readers donā€™t care about unique ideas, different perspectives, creative characters or a look at the more unique aspects of the DC Universe. It instead tells DC to toss that aside and just do all Batman all the time.

At this point Iā€™ll take anything so long as it is not Robin.


Me too - I think that DC hasnā€™t taken advantage of the relationship potential between these characters. I know there are a lot of Bat-books, but this is a concept weā€™re not seeing, and one that I really, desperately want to see. Especially with Steph in it! And I really liked Tim Seeleyā€™s last shot at the Robins doing something similar, Batman: Gotham Nights #12


I think thatā€™s massively unfair to fans of the idea of Robins. Just because we like Robins best doesnā€™t mean we think that all of the other ideas are bad or that we want to toss anything aside. I really donā€™t think that throwing all these accusations at people who vote for things we donā€™t personally find as interesting is good for the community at all.


As many bat book as people say they are I think I only read 2 and neither feat Bruce/bat he hasnā€™t worked with Robin consistently since Damian died.

I like robins all of them, and I wish some of thease many books featured them working together and not the future cash grabs or crisis stuff


I hope so!


Roll call! Iā€™m glad to see so many new and old faces here. Welcome to the community @Belaric, @HugoWayne.70045, @chrisgentile95.65666, @dhall9540.79370, @emeraldlanterns, @Ryan.l.wetzel.23693, and @lamayonnaise5.29999! Welcome back to the community @barryallen888!

For those curious about why the Round Robin brackets were set up the way they were, our lovely DC Publishing Staff behind this event did a live Q&A awhile back. I recommend you check that out.

Please let the moderator team know if you need anything. :muscle:


Hot take: green lanterns have been done dorty for years despite the fact they have the coolest abilities in the dcu (or atleast i think so). The robins have atleast twice the amount of content if not on their own then with batman. I hope GL wins!