Uploading Videos on DC Community is Acting Up

I tried to post a video on the community, but it said the file size was too big. It said it has to be smaller than 100 MB. However, when I checked the file size of the video, it was only 66 MB.

Is there any way to fix this?

Hey @Jurisdiction! :wave: I’ll pass this along to the team to take a look into for you. :slight_smile:

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Ok thanks

Just an update:

It’s happening again

It says at the bottom the file size

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Hey JD, I’ll ask about that today. :ok_hand: Will let you know if there’s something we’re all not seeing here.

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Hey @Jurisdiction

Just a couple of questions:

What filetype is the 2nd file that you posted?

Which thread are you trying to upload to?

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its all different threads. 1 of them (the second) was for the good morning thread, and the first was on the power rangers thread.

the filetype of the 2nd file is .gif